
M4M – Generated code – protected?

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  • #279935 Reply

    Leonid Shchervinsky

    Hi guys:
    Is it true that M4M does not protect M4M generated code?

    #279984 Reply

    Loyal Water

    I didn’t get the question. What code are you talking about ? Could you please rephrase the question or give me an example of the code that you are referring to.

    #279988 Reply

    Leonid Shchervinsky

    The code with comment at the top that says:

    * WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is always
    * regenerated by the Form Editor.

    #280047 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Is it true that M4M does not protect M4M generated code?

    M4M does not make the M4M generated code read only. You will have to take care of that.

    I hope I answered your question. Let me know if I misunderstood the question.

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