
M7 is out !

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  • #203302 Reply

    Ivar Vasara

    New & Noteworthy: for M7 ..

    So.. I’m about to try myeclipse on it.

    #203304 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Thanks for the update, let us know if it works. I know some people were having trouble with integration builds a couple weeks back. But I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you!

    #203310 Reply

    Ivar Vasara

    @support-rkalla wrote:

    Thanks for the update, let us know if it works. I know some people were having trouble with integration builds a couple weeks back. But I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you!

    I don’t think the plugin API has any breaking changes (they should have been done by M6) but I had no success as MyEclipse 3.7rc2 has some sort of version detection that only allows installation on M6.

    Any chance of letting us know how myeclipse detects the eclipse milestone/ version so keeners can experiment themselves ?

    #203311 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I believe its the .eclipseproduct file in the root of the eclipse install dir. Try copying the one from M6 over to the M7 dir and try again.

    Keep in mind this isn’t officially supported 😉

    #203313 Reply

    Ivar Vasara

    @support-rkalla wrote:

    I believe its the .eclipseproduct file in the root of the eclipse install dir. Try copying the one from M6 over to the M7 dir and try again.

    Surprisingly, the .eclipseproduct file is identical between releases.. I did a cursory scan through each ot the folders under ‘eclipse’ for any obvious version strings before I posted. no luck.

    @support-rkalla wrote:

    Keep in mind this isn’t officially supported 😉

    I know, I know.. fortunately there aren’t any super compelling new features in M7 (except maybe autorefresh…) so working with M6 is acceptable.

    #203317 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    We’re much sneaker than useing the .eclipseproduct file, because that doesn’t change for the milestone builds. We’ll be doing the port to M7 so that 3.7 GA will ship on M7 in a couple of weeks. If you absolutely must test on M7, simply install it in parallel to your M6 build and copy the ‘links’ folder from your M6 install into your M7 installation. That’s the thing that points Eclipse to MyEclipse’s location. Be forwarned taht this is NOT AN APPROVED CONFIGURATION and we won’t be answering any support questions about it.

    That said, if you’ve got to try it out, please let us know if it blows up. 🙂

    #203338 Reply

    James Ots

    I tried that. In the log file I get these entries (amongst others, but these look most relevant to me). Nothing to do with myeclipse shows up in eclipse.

    !ENTRY org.eclipse.ui 4 4 Feb 15, 2004 00:17:15.770
    !MESSAGE Unable to restore editor - no editor descriptor for id: de.bb.bje.eclipse.editors.JspMultiPageEditor
    !ENTRY org.eclipse.ui 4 4 Feb 15, 2004 00:17:17.712
    !MESSAGE Unable to find Action Set: com.genuitec.myeclipse.actions.deploytools
    !ENTRY org.eclipse.ui 4 4 Feb 15, 2004 00:17:17.712
    !MESSAGE Unable to find Action Set: com.genuitec.myeclipse.actions
    !ENTRY org.eclipse.ui 4 4 Feb 15, 2004 00:17:17.713
    !MESSAGE Unable to find Action Set: com.genuitec.myeclipse.actions.webtools
    !ENTRY org.eclipse.ui 4 4 Feb 15, 2004 00:17:17.965
    !MESSAGE Unable to restore editor - no editor descriptor for id: de.bb.bje.eclipse.editors.JspMultiPageEditor
    #203339 Reply

    James Ots

    Of course, you won’t be answering any support questions, so I don’t know why I just posted that! Except I suppose it might be helpful to you in your development perhaps?

    #203869 Reply

    Please start supporting m7 as quick as possible, cvs is broken in all the previous versions of eclipse due to changes in the cvs protocol resulting from an api change in what was supposed to be a security fix.


    PS: On another subject, if eclipse doesn’t start supporting the language features of java 1.5 soon will your company steal the march on them by producing your own java 1.5 plugin ?

    #203877 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I don’t think we’ll be offering any Java 1.5 support only because the Eclipse 1.5 support is forthcomming and in testing. If we were to provide a plugin, it would be useful for probably all of a month or 2, then we’d just have to remove it to avoid conflicting with the Eclipse 3.x-focused tools.

    Although I would never rule anything out, what drives us is consumer demand, if the demand is there, we’ll even add animated help agents like Clippy to MyEclipse 😉

    #203889 Reply

    There’s no need to go that far !!! 🙄 keep an eye on supporting
    m7 though 🙂

    #203891 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Definately, we won’t leave our users high and dry.

    Also incase you hadn’t heard, starting with the 3.7 GA release (~2 weeks), the 3.x series downloads will be freely available for trial download just like the 2.x series is. You won’t have to be a subscriber to download and try them out.

    #204219 Reply


    Yea it’s unsupportet, but …

    perhaps some bidy as an idea how to get JSP support back in ME3.7RC2 on Ecplipse-3M7?

    I get

    Exception during execution: de.bb.jsp.JspCC - java.lang.ClassNotFoundException

    perhaps a simple change in the plugins.xml to let eclipse find the bb_jsp.jar?

    #204221 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Ansorg, the others that got it working simply installed it in Eclipse M6, then copied the Links folder over into their M7 directory and it worked.

    #204247 Reply


    @support-rkalla wrote:

    Ansorg, the others that got it working simply installed it in Eclipse M6, then copied the Links folder over into their M7 directory and it worked.

    that’s what I did. And everyting seems fine until I open a JSP file. Then I get this error 🙁

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