
Mac OSX Bug 67384 fixed?

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  • #251360 Reply


    It seems, that the Bug 67384 https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=67384 was solved.
    Is that now enough to release an OSX Version for Matisse?

    Best regards


    #251381 Reply


    Close, but not quite. As you will notice, that bug isn’t closed yet. We have been in close contact with engineers at both Apple and the eclipse platform team, trying to get this issue resolved. The progress that has been made is that the latest version of the jvm from Apple contains a new capability for low-level AWT/SWT interaction. With this new feature, the SWT team should be able to modify the SWT port to take advantage of this new feature and enable the SWT_AWT bridge.

    So Apple has done their part and removing the roadblocks that were at the JVM level. Now we just need the SWT/Apple team to pick up the ball and carry it across the goal line. Then the most infamous bug in eclipse bugzilla will be fixed. And then our Mac developers that use MyEclipse will not only get Matisse4MyEclipse, but also MyUML and the MyEclipse Image Editor. Good times for all.

    #252168 Reply

    Just finishing a session with Apple at JavaOne and you can download the fix at http://connect.apple.com. I saw a SWT/AWT demo finally working together !
    Hope there will be a new MyEclipse version soon which “unlock the power”.


    #252178 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    We haven’t had a chance to test internally yet since we’re still trying to get 5.0M1 out the door. However, we’re thinking about allowing an “experimental” mode on the Mac that will turn on the features that should work better now that this bug is resolved. Unfortunately, we won’t have time to do a test/fix pass on it for M1 on the Mac so the “experimental” mode will be for the truly bold. Sound interesting, or would you rather wait for M2 and let us give it a go internally first?

    #252188 Reply


    My vote is for enabling the “experimental” mode, if that counts for anything 🙂

    #252280 Reply

    I second that! Let us help!

    #252315 Reply

    iam for experimental too 🙂 Iam happy now, that m1 is finally out and i can use MyEclipse wth my MacBook Pro finally. But some of the features, i waited for, are still not available. So Matisse and the UML Editors… the JSP Visual Editor i didnt found too. ANything new regarding that?

    #252316 Reply

    May be, this Info is interesting? (from Apple Developers Connection Site).

    Apple is forcing actuality of Java more now:

    SWT Compatibility Libraries for J2SE 5.0 Release 4

    The SWT Compatibility Libraries address compatibility issues between J2SE 5.0 Release 4 and the SWT_AWT bridge in Eclipse 3.2RC3 and later on Mac OS X Tiger. See the Eclipse Javadoc for details on how to use this library in your SWT application. The SWT Compatibility Libraries do not replace any existing Java installations and are not compatible with Java releases prior to J2SE 5.0 Release 4 for Tiger.

    Further they provide already a Java 6 Preview.

    #252333 Reply

    I would be happy for an experimental version as well and would report any bug with pleasure.

    FYI, you can download the future JDK 6 (mustang) on the apple site as well !
    Apple is definitly working hard on Java.

    #252397 Reply

    Ditto here for the experimental version – have applied the fix, and want to try it all out 🙂


    #252426 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Guys we are in tight communication with the Apple JDK developer that fixed this bug, we shot him over a license to try it out. Right now there are still obvious problems that make the tools unusable even though they will load and he’s looking into it later today and giving us a report.

    This is a high priority item that we are focused on getting working, 2 of our developers are on Mac and we are constantly banging on it.

    #252738 Reply


    I’m ready for it too and would be willing to try a beta version. Thanks for getting on this.

    Stephen Smith

    #253192 Reply

    Add another, “me too” to your list of users dying to get their hands on a mac version which includes matisse!

    #253360 Reply

    Lance Drake

    Can anyone make a statement concerning progress on the ‘Matisse / MyEclipse / MacOSX’ situation? I’ve read the bugs – but the trails vaporizes as of the past few weeks.

    Is there any configuration where it WILL run – with whatever limitations? If so, could they be spelled out?


    #253363 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Things don’t look good. The fix from Apple while technically allows you
    to embed Swing in SWT dead locks as soon as you use any invokeLater
    calls in your Swing code. Suffice it to say that means rewriting your
    entire toolset to not use invokeLater calls at all and execute
    completely synchronously on the EDT and is not likely to happen as it
    would make the tools a nightmare to use on all platforms. So while the
    bug is marked “fixed”, we don’t consider it “fixed” because you can’t
    fully utilize Swing, just in a special case.

    For everyone that wants to get *really* pissed off right now, consider the fact that it costs us money to not have these features on Mac. For every user that says “Screw this, I’m outta here” and doesn’t buy a subscription of MyEclipse because of this, we loose money. So while this may be really annoying to a lot of you and just maddening to a smaller subset of you, it REALLY bothers us.

    We want this stuff to work, we need this stuff to work and we *will* continue to push forward as best we can with both parties (Apple and Eclipse) to get this fixed. Luckily there are smart people all involved with this and it’s one of those “thankless job” bugs for the guys fixing it so it’s hard to get Apple to allocate massive resources to fix it, same goes for Eclipse, but they are trying and so are we.

    Keep your fingers crossed and we’ll update this thread as more information comes available.

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