Hi all!
I’m trying to write a Message Driven bean which is supposed to send emails. But I’m having problems with resourse references. Every time I’m deploying it I receive the message:
“12:51:32,133 WARN [MessageDrivenContainer] No resource manager found for mail/myapp/myMail”
The XDoclet code describing this resource reference looks as below:
* @ejb.resource-ref
* res-ref-name="mail/myapp/myMail"
* res-type="javax.mail.Session"
* res-auth="Container"
* jndi-name="java:/Mail"
I’ve also added a “my-mail-service.xml” to the deploy directory file which is basically the same as mail-service.xml except the lines that I’m citing below:
<mbean code="org.jboss.mail.MailService"
<attribute name="JNDIName">java:/comp/env/mail/levia/myMail</attribute>
I suppose I’m doing some stupid mistake or I don’t understand how resource managers work in jboss.
I would be very grateful for any help.
I’m using the 4.0.2 serwer version.
kind regards
Karol Oslowski