
Manage palette function on matisse4myEclipse

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  • #269295 Reply


    MyEclipse is a very powerfull tool, and gathered the best java tools.

    But, i’ve passed a couple of days trying to find out how to launch the “manage palette” option.

    I read all the topic about palette on this forum, find that people have the same pb but no way to resolve my pb.

    My configuration.
    – Eclipse 3.2
    – MyEclipse 5.0.1
    – Matisse installed from http://downloads.myeclipseide.com/downloads/products/matisse4myeclipse/updates-4.0

    I would like, to use MyEclipse for all my company dev, but i would like to be sure it is a good choice.

    Thanks for help

    CMMI Leader

    #269316 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Are you missing the down-arrow on the top right of your Matisse palette view? If you are, it’s an installation issue. I would encourage you to go back to our site and redownload the “MyEclipse 5.1.1 All In One installer” and install it to a brand new location, then open the Update Manager and select the MYEclipse Discovery Site and scan it for M4M, then re-add it. After that you should be all set.

    #269329 Reply


    you’re right,
    A fresh install of “MyEclipse 5.1.1 All In One installer” resolve the problem. But what about a non fresh install ?
    This way of resolving the problem, oblige us migrating to a new eclipse plate-forme


    #269334 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The missing down error seems to suggest a bad install. It doesn’t happen every time when you do a non-fresh install, just sometimes. You can try a few things, like a new workspace (File > Switch Workspace) or you can try checking your install config summary under Help > Softwrae Updates > Manage COnfiguration and see if any error markers exist showing you incompatible or incorrectly intsalled plugins or other install errors.

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