
mapping schema type

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  • #269389 Reply


    Hi all.
    First of all: soooorry for my poor english. Ill try to explain myself…

    My problem is mapping dates and times form java types to XML. Aegis (the binding framework i use) translates java.util.Date to xsd:dateTime, but i need it translated to xsd:date and xsd:time (“yyyy-mm-dd” and “hh:mm:ss” formats respectively). I tried to us the XmlElement anotation this way:

    @XmlElement (minOccurs="1", nillable=false, type=org.codehaus.xfire.aegis.type.java5.DateType.class)

    but it generates this in the wsdl:

    <xsd:element name="..." type="nsX:Date"/> (nsX = "java.util" namespace)

    I know that with JAXB-2 its done easily, but ive the the WS published time ago, and many clients working with it; JAXB-2 will change the squeleton of the wsdl, thus clients will complain…

    Thank you for your help.

    #269445 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft Dev

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