
ME 2.7.1 and 3.8.2 co-exist?

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  • #220069 Reply


    My production set-up is Eclipse 2.1.3 (Build 200403101828) and MyEclipse 2.1.7 (Build 200403241200-2.7.1-GA) on a WinXP SP2 workstation. No complaints; everything works fine. I want to migrate to 3.0 for my next project, however I want to ease into it. Specifically I want to be able to install a parralllel 3.0 Eclipse / MyEclipse environment on this same machine and have the two run completely independently of one another. Is that possible? Can I install MyEclipse 3.8.2 on this machine without impacting the existing 2.7.1? No registry conflicts, etc?

    #220070 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Specifically I want to be able to install a parralllel 3.0 Eclipse / MyEclipse environment on this same machine and have the two run completely independently of one another. Is that possible?

    Not only is it possible it is the recommended migration path. Run in parallel for awhile then make the swithover at the time that works best for you. There won’t be any problems with it, as long as you don’t try to use the same workbench in both products.

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