- This topic has 18 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 10 years, 11 months ago by
ME 2014 is still missing the REST service explorer in the 64 bit model and will not allow installing both a 32 and 64 bit instance, so you are stuck with either not enough memory for major projects or no explorer to implement REST services.
This is a major flaw in using ME to develop REST based applications. Between that and the real lack of documentation (the help button on the wizard pages does absolutely nothing) on how to use the REST services wizard and its option, the “enhancement” for REST services is really a waste of time.
It really leaves little option but to puzzle through other sources to try and figure out what ME developers have tried to implement in order to make a REST service work.
Without the REST explorer developers are left with no option but use other tools to test the REST services, so we might as well look for a different platform altogether if we have to use something else just to test with.
With the poor documentation, cumbersome REST service wizard for development from POJO files, and no REST explorer, 2014 is not worth the upgrade if your main purpose is to move to REST services.
I’m sorry you’re having trouble with REST development in MyEclipse. It is proving difficult to support a few features on a 64 bit platform, though it is a high priority for us. However, it is possible to install both 32 bit and 64 bit versions of MyEclipse, as a workaround. The installer checks for an existing installation by reading the .deliverycenter.installs file in your home folder. So you can either delete that file or edit it to remove the entry that was generated when you installed MyEclipse 2014.
As far as the help is concerned, sorry about the help button on some of the REST wizards not working or not providing useful information. I’ve raised a bug report to get this fixed. However, you can use the in-product or on-line help to find out how to use the REST features. The main heading is Developing Web Services and that has a number of lower level headings, eventually leading to an overview of REST features and a number of tutorials.
I hope this helps and please let us know if you need more information or have any issues with this.
Hey Tony,
Thanks for the response, I manage to stumble on an unrelated post last night that showed how to install both 32 and 64 bit. The only issue is our primary application uses so much memory when fully running in the IDE that it constantly runs out of memory in 32 bit ME, so it is pretty much worthless in using to test out REST services in our main application development.A couple of other issues that I have happening:
1) Right clicking the toolbar does nothing, no lock/unlock or customize or anything shows up. I cannot find any way to configure the toolbars and the default set in 2014 does not seem to have the Web Services toolbar that was in ME 10 and I use almost constantly.
In drilling thru help, I cannot find anything that says how to turn on toolbars that are missing and it says to right click for lock/unlock, but as mentioned that does not work.
2) In reference to help, I have not been able to find any detail documentation on what ALL the options in your wizards actually do. There are tutorials, but they just glance over some basic options and provide little detail on what all the options do. Without that it makes many of the wizard options worthless unless you are willing to spend hours trying to see what a particular option does as a result from the wizard.
I have found the help option is pretty much across all aspects of ME and is one of the biggest issues I have had with the product in the many years of using it. With no help to speak of on the more advanced features of many of the wizards and operations, it really is difficult to use the product beyond the basics without spending large amounts of time just trying things.
When it comes to using a product, if you can’t find info on what its advanced features are without spending more time tinkering with the IDE then you do developing, then you might as well go for a less featured product that is free, like NetBeans. Trying to figure out what your new features do or how to use them, with no documentation to speak of, has made most of them worthless. Add to that changes that take away features, like the Web Services toolbar, and it makes switching away from ME look like a more feasible option.
I sincerely hope that your team will look at your lack of useful documentation, as the search engine style you have now is of little use and has very little value in what it results in when used.
The lack of useful documentation on your product has been a pretty constant irritant for many years. When you go into almost any window in ME with the little question mark help button and click it, you rarely get anything of use and normally get nothing. Like in preferences, go in there and click any preference and press the help button, you get absolutely nothing in the displayed help on the side. This has been the case with ME for a very long time and is a significant downside to the product.
Sorry about the delay in responding. I’ve asked the development manager to consider what you’ve written.
The memory issue for the 32 bit installation seems to be a widespread problem with eclipse and with Java, generally. There seems to be no consistency with how much memory can be allocated via eclipse.ini (or, in our case, myeclipse.ini). I’ve been able to allocate more than 1300 MB sometimes but, at other times, can’t even manage 1024 MB. It seems that memory has to be contiguous, on Windows. I don’t think there is much we can do about this issue. As I’ve mentioned, getting REST explorer working on 64 bit is a priority for us, which would alleviate the memory problems.
The toolbar issue appears to be a bug in eclipse (from researching the problem) though I didn’t have any problem moving toolbar groups around. I also see the web services icons on my toolbar. However, to customize the MyEclipse Java Enterprise perspective, ensure you are in that perspective then go to Window->Customize Perspective. This allows you to enable/disable groups of icons in this perspective. The web services icons are under the MyEclipse-Web Services group.
Another way to lock/unlock the toolbar, if it is locked, is to enter “lock” in the quick access text box and then select the “Lock the toolbars” command from the results window. This can also be bound to a key combination and is a standard eclipse feature.
Hey Tony,
I tried doing the Window/Customize Perspective and I get nothing displayed anywhere in both the 32 and 64 bit install.I am running the 2014 as brand new installs to their own folders (for 32 and 64 bit in separate folder structures) and have not opened any existing workspaces or projects with it, just created a couple test projects from 2014.
The version I am running is:
Version: 2014
Build id: 12.0.0-20131202It is on a Windows 7 64 bit install with 16 gig of memory and ME 10 works fine, installed in different folders.
Don’t know what’s up with 2014, but seems it may not be quite ready for prime time.
A side question, both 2013 and 2014 have the new mobile simulator but it seems to only have the 3.1 OS for the Android devices (Samsung tablet in particular). All the projects we want to debug need the 4.x and newer, is there any plans for providing the newer OS simulators?
More apologies for the delay in responding. Vacations seem to be wreaking havoc! Hopefully, we can provide some better answers for you in due course.
I’m not sure what is going on with your toolbar web services icons. I see the icons immediately after an install:
However, there does seem to be a problem with some installs, when trying to customize the perspective, when an error is logged and no customize dialog is shown. Is this your symptom? The problem doesn’t occur with all editions, which may be how it slipped through.
Again, apologies for delays with responses and we’re still looking at other issues you’ve raised. The rest of this week, we’re lightly staffed, so I’m afraid there may be more delays, so even more apologies in advance!
Hey Tony,
I have the problem of the Web services icons and others not showing as in your screen shot, see my attached image, and I do not get anything when I try to use the Window / Customize Perspective.Other than using the new quick search, I have found no way to get the toolbar to change.
This is in both the 32 and 64 bit installation from the same download of ME Pro 2014 on a Windows 7 workstation.
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I could replicate the issue with missing icons on toolbar with MyEclipse 2014 on a Windows 8 machine, but I do not see the issue when I switched to a new workspace.
While we investigate the issue, can you please try switching to a new workspace and check if the issue persists?
I created a new workspace folder with ME 2014 and the Web Services icons are now shown on the toolbar.
I still cannot use right click or Customize Perspective to alter the toolbar in any way though.
I have filed a PR for the dev team about the issue with Customize Perspective. They are investigating it.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
That raises the question though if the buttons are not going to display properly if I try to move existing workspaces to 2014?
I have not tried this as I DO NOT want to upgrade the workspace until 2014 is shown to be viable for migrating projects. I do not want to spend lots of time having to restore stuff if I find other more significant issues with current 2014 release.
If you could possibly let me know if the buttons are going to show on existing ME 10.5 projects converted to 2014, cause if they do not then it is not worth the time to migrate.
I have escalated your concerns to the team. They will get back to you.
Brian FernandesModeratorEd,
We are working on several of your issues for a maintenance update to 2014.
1) The customize perspective action – we did encounter this problem during testing and fixed it, but some variation of it still seems to be out there.
2) Missing web service actions in the toolbar. We have been able to replicate this only sporadically, so working out a fix is proving to be more difficult than initially expected. Once we find out what is actually going awry, we will be able to better understand how / why some users are affected and what workarounds are possible.
On the help system, I agree with your points. While our documentation is being worked on regularly, we have traditionally never linked our wizards to help; this will change. Furthermore, technical notes on some wizards, like the REST wizard you mentioned are definitely missing.
As far as the REST explorer is concerned, we are working on a rewrite that will allow it to work universally. This change will most likely not make our upcoming maintenance release but we will make it available as soon as we have something.
Will keep you posted on further developments, thank you for your continued support and taking the time to report these issues.
Thanks much and look forward to hearing when those items are resolved.
The fix for ‘Customize perspective’ issue is now available. You need to update the existing installation of MyEclipse to get the Customize perspective window working. Navigate to Help > Check for updates > Click on ‘Apply’ and follow the wizard to install the updates > Restart MyEclipse when it prompts.
Let us know how it works for you.