- This topic has 9 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years, 9 months ago by
In ME 10.x when setting up a deployment the war file could be named. In ME 2015 you can only pick the folder and not change the name of the actual war file.
We have to use different war file names for internal deployments and external client deployments. How can we setup deployments with different names without having to change the project name or the deployed war after the fact?
In MyEclipse 2015, you can change the archive name in the Advanced section of the project’s Deployment Assembly page. Unfortunately we came across a bug in the feature (the change in the name is not being honored during deployment) and the dev team is working on it.
I will keep you updated about the fix.
Sorry for inconvenience caused. Thanks for your patience.
Let us know if you have any questions.
Changing the war file name at the project level does not help, we use the same project to generate two war files: one for dev deployment and one for client deployment.
The dev deployment gets the name changed so we can run multiple instances of the app on the same dev server.
Under ME 10.7 we could change the name during the deployment setup and all was fine, under ME 2015 there does not seem to be a way to do this.
Brian FernandesModeratormongov,
Thank you for the report. Somehow these fixes missed the 2015 stream – we’re working on these at high priority and these will be present in our next release. Will keep you posted.
The issue is now fixed. The fix is out with our latest release, MyEclipse 2015 CI 13. Please go to Help > Check for Updates, update to CI 13 and check if the issue persists.
Let us know if you see any issues.
MyEclipse Support
Brian FernandesModeratorEd,
I’m sorry but this issue is not fixed in CI 13. I’m afraid we somehow grouped your post under some other issues where the archive names (specified on the Deployment assembly page) were not being respected, not, as you require, an ability to change the archive name on the fly at the time of deployment.
I’ll have my team look into this further. Apologies for the delay and false fix assertion.
Hey Brian,
Just tried the new option on the deployment assembly page advanced section that allows you to change the name of the war and it does not seem to do anything. If I change the name of the war AND the web context name on the deployment assembly it changes the name of the war when published.Have not tried the deploy yet to see if it actually works and will add more if it does not.
Also noticed that if you change the deployment settings like above, the deploy options in the Server view do not reflect it needing to be republished and I had to change something in the code and save it to get the Server view to show as needing republished.
Hey Bryan,
Did play with it some more and there seems to be a problem with the saved state of the context.I changed the name in the context and the deployed war, did a build, then set the name back to the original and it started building with a context name of “//AppName” instead of “/AppName”. To get rid of the extra “/” I had to force it to delete the entire context name and then reenter it. It would not let me highlight and delete the “/” at the start of the context name edit field, had to actually put the cursor in the edit box and use backspace and then reenter the entire context name to get it to reset properly.
Also, this option does not solve the original problem of being able to deploy to different WAR names without having to enter a new name on each deploy because this is on the Deployment Assembly which there is only one of per project. Its the actual deploy configuration that needs the ability to change the war name.
Brian FernandesModeratorEd,
To get rid of the extra “/” I had to force it to delete the entire context name and then reenter it. It would not let me highlight and delete the “/” at the start of the context name edit field, had to actually put the cursor in the edit box and use backspace and then reenter the entire context name to get it to reset properly.
Just to be sure, you are talking about the “Web Context Root:” text field on the Deployment Assembly property page, correct? This is just a regular text field and selection of text, typing over selected text, etc. worked just fine for me. Is this a problem you see with this field all the time – do you have the same problem with any other text fields? You could try the fields in Search > File for instance.
Also, this option does not solve the original problem of being able to deploy to different WAR names without having to enter a new name on each deploy because this is on the Deployment Assembly which there is only one of per project. Its the actual deploy configuration that needs the ability to change the war name.
Yes, I do realize that you could change the name even during the deployment process with prior versions of MyEclipse and that option is not available now – we mistook your earlier request for another bug. We’ll see what we can do on that front.
Hey Brian,
Yeah that is what I thought too, that it was a regular text field, but I just checked it again and if I mouse highlight the entire value of that field and hit delete, the “/” stays there.What happened was I changed the name and the field showed “/MyApp” (checked it several times and showed it to another person) for the context, but when it deployed the war the context in the ME browser address line when it opened the index page on startup showed the context as “http://localhost:8080//MyApp/….”. When I use the cursor to completely delete the context value and reentered it with a blank field value (deleted it, clicked to a different field, then reentered it), the browser context then showed correctly on startup of tomcat.
It similarly happened on another project where it was the name that was changed in the deployment assembly spot, but had to do the same completely delete it with backspaces and reenter to get it to use the name that was showing.