
ME doesnt recognize my xdoclet module

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  • #236873 Reply

    Ufuk COBAN

    i build my xdoclet module as a jaf file and copied it to the folder com.genuitec.jboss.ide.eclipse.xdoclet.core_4.0.0.
    i restarted ME and also refreshed xdoclets modules from ME/xdoclet page.

    when i tried to add doclet from project properties it doesnt show my doclet.

    what must i do more to see my doclet?

    #236929 Reply


    To add your custom doclet using the MyEclipse XDoclet configuration UI you must add support for your new doclet into the following file:


    First make a backup copy of this file. Then add a new <task> element at the end of the file just before the closing </tasks> tag. You can just copy one of the smaller existing <task> elements like springdoclet and just customize it for your new doclet. Then restart MyElcipse and go to the XDoclet preference page and refresh the module list and refresh the code assist data. Then you should be able to go to the Xdoclet build configuration UI and see your new doclet in the “Add Doclet” list.

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