- This topic has 10 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 5 months ago by
Loyal Water.
delfuegoMemberI’m currently experiencing the problem wherein trying to use the all-in-one installer for MyEclipse (7.5, the one containing Pulse) on my OS X machine immediately gives me a dialog that reads that the MyEclipse installer “was unable to locate its companion shared library”, and doesn’t let me even start the installation process. I’ve seen other threads about this, but the weird thing here — that differentiates what I’m seeing — is that this isn’t an upgrade, this is a virgin installation.
This machine has had other installs of MyEclipse on it, but so far as I can tell, they’re *totally* wiped off the machine — there’s no longer any MyEclipse-related files in /Applications, in /Library, anywhere. There’s no Pulse installation files anywhere; I’ve literally scoured the disk, and they’re all deleted. (No /Library/Genuitec/Pulse, no files in /Library/Preferences/ related to eclipse, MyEclipse, or Pulse, nothing at ALL.) So either there’s something wrong with the installer, or there’s still something lurking on my machine that’s making the MyEclipse installer think that there’s an issue.
Weirder still is that I get the same error just trying to run the Pulse installer (downloaded from the Pulse website) — it can’t find its companion shared library. So I can’t even install Pulse.
Does anyone have ideas about what I’m missing? My machine is OS X 10.6.1, with only Java 1.6 on it; I’ve tried running the installer with the 32-bit Java set as the highest pref, as well as with the 64-bit Java set as the highest pref. No dice on either count.Help!
delfuegoMemberFascinating; I tried to install the new MyEclipse 8.0 R1 on my machine, thinking that maybe the installer issue had been fixed, and now I get a different error: “You can’t open the application myeclipse-8-latest-installer because it may be damaged or incomplete”. So this problem appears to be with MyEclipse 7.5, Pulse, and MyEclipse 8.0 R1.
delfuegoMemberI hate to be a complainer, but what does a paying subscriber of MyEclipse have to do to get support? I’m now on day 4 of not being able to even *install* MyEclipse.
It stinks to say it, but maybe it’s time to just let the ME subscription expire — at a minimum, I can get this level of support for free tools.
My apologies for the late reply. Sorry to hear you are running into this issue.
ME installer unable to locate its companion shared library
9 out of 10 reason for this issue is you are missing – MyEclipse.ini file or it is incomplete.
I would recommend you to do a clean install. Please follow below steps –
1. Run the uninstaller.
2. Make sure the MyEclipse Install Directory has been completely removed – ~\Pulse or ~\Genuitec,
3. Then make sure the pulse2.locator file under is erased as well. This should be located in the user home directory
4. Install ME using the installer file (please verify the file size and the md5sum of the installer file)
Let me know how this works for you.
If this is still an issue. Can you please send a mail to support@genuitec.com with subject ATTN:Joy and refer to this thread. This will ensure quick tracking. Please attach your log files and screenshot of issue. MyEclipse log file are located at [your workspace dir]/.metadata/.log and pulse log files are located at ~\Genuitec\Common\logsInconvinience caused is sincerely regretted.
delfuegoMemberJoy, as I just sent you in email, my post makes pretty clear that none of this applies — all versions of both Pulse and MyEclipse have been uninstalled entirely. There are no log files to include, there’s no workspace on this machine at all, there’s no Pulse or ME on this machine at all. To be as specific as possible, referencing your suggestions:
1. The uninstallers were run well before I had my problem.
2. There’s no ME install directory — nothing at ~/Pulse, nothing at ~/Genuitec, nothing at ~/Library/Genuitec, nothing at ~/Library/Pulse, nothing at /Library/Genuitec, nothing at /Library/Pulse, nothing in /Applications/, nothing at all.
3. There’s no pulse2.locator file anywhere on the disk (verified by running ‘sudo find . -name “pulse2.locator” -print’ on the command line), nor is there any file at all with eclipse, pulse, or genuitec left on the disk (verified in the same manner, including searching for dot-files (e.g., ‘sudo find . -name “.*pulse*” -print’).
4. Given all this, all the installers — ME 7.5, ME 8.0 M1, and Pulse — fail with the same message, “[installer name] was unable to locate its companion shared library”.What’s next?
Loyal WaterMemberdelfuego,
Im sorry for all the trouble you have been running into. The dev team is looking into this issue and they will get back to you with a reply asap.As a workaround for now, you can download the Myeclipse 7.5 Archive update site installer from our download page and set it up with Eclipse 3.4.2
delfuegoMemberNipun, given the amount of effort I’ve made getting my Pulse profiles set up to my liking, this really isn’t a solution — doing so means that I then have to start fresh getting all my plugins installed and set up, as well as my workspace. (Nevermind that ME 7.5 behaves extremely poorly on OS X 10.6.1 — totally random failures of Subversion plugins, inability to interact with the debugger, etc. — and there’s no ME 8.0 M1 archived update site installer.)
I’ll eagerly await the ASAP reply from the dev team…
Loyal WaterMemberdelfuego,
Can you paste the contents of the myeclipse.ini and config.ini files here for us?
delfuegoMemberI’m sorry, nipun, but you guys just don’t seem to be reading what I’m posting — please go back and re-read what I’ve written. To summarize, THERE IS NO MyECLIPSE INSTALLATION ON THIS MACHINE, nor is there any Pulse installation, nor are there ANY of the various support files that you guys have mentioned. That’s what is making this so frustrating.
delfuegoMemberOK, I just finished a remote debugging session with the folks at Genuitec, and it appears the issue is that at least one GZIPped TAR extraction program (The Unarchiver) doesn’t handle long filenames/pathnames appropriately. In my case, this meant that the OS X-specific launcher plugin for the installer wasn’t being extracted correctly, and couldn’t be located.
For reference, the affected path was the following subdirectory inside the MyEclipse installer directory:
The Unarchiver wasn’t handling the pathname of any of the contents of this directory appropriately, and the result was that I ended up with files with only three-letter names inside this subdirectory. Using the command line to extract the installer (and using the built-in OS X extraction utility) solved the problem.
Loyal WaterMemberGlad the problem is solved. Thank you for letting us know.