
ME JSPDesigner controls disabled

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  • #257631 Reply


    I’d like to create/edit my jsf pages inside the JSP Designer, but find that all the jsf components there in its left pane are disabled so I can’t drag them onto a page. How do I enable them, and why is this happening?
    I’m on Eclipse 3.2RC7 and ME 5.0M1.

    #257724 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Unfortunately you are using incompatible builds of Eclipse and MyEclipse (and also outdated). Please go to http://www.eclipse.org/downloads and download Eclipse 3.2 SDK and unzip it to a *new* directory, then go to our downloads area and download our 5.0.1 release and install that to a *new* directory as well, specifying your new install of Eclipse 3.2 when asked for it.

    Then add -clean to the top of you eclipse.ini file, start it up, and open your existing workspace, you should be all set then.

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