
ME SEAM Example

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  • #268642 Reply

    Robert Morse

    I believe I have followed the instructions for building the seam-registration example under Eclipse (3.2) and MyEclipse 5.1.1 GA as described here: http://www.karwell.com/apropos/equipe/JMP/seam_me_getting_started/index.htm. Everything deploys and the application starts up. However, after entering the user information and clicking the submit button, I get the following exception listed below. Any ideas as to the cause? Thanks!

    javax.servlet.ServletException: Base is null: user

    root cause

    javax.faces.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Base is null: user

    #268708 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft Dev

    I think your hint is this:

    avax.faces.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Base is null: user

    Looks like you have some EL somewhere, trying to access a ‘user’ property, and it’s not found on the object… double check that everything is spelled and capitalized correctly.

    #268749 Reply

    Robert Morse

    Thanks Riyad. There was a mistake in one of the xml deployment files, so the exception is no longer being thrown. So, now I have the registration example set up as described in the reference above. When I enter the userid, user, and password information I get three “Conversion Error” messages displayed. I’ll track this error down, but I’ve now run into a more fundamental problem. How do I debug this project? Setting break points in the User class, does nothing. The jBoss server is configured to start in debug mode. Any suggestions?

    #268758 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Hmmm I’m not sure how SEAM works as we don’t support it at this time… but putting a breakpoint in your class *should* wokr.

    Are you building the project with Ant by chance? Are you compiling-out the debugging information? That would explain why the breakpoint is getting skipped over.

    #268779 Reply

    Robert Morse

    Hi Riyad! I agree it should work, but I’m following the tutorial exactly, and this seems to happen as a result.
    As an aside, Seam has a script that generates a project stub. It relies on Ant for the builds etc. You import the generated project as a “general project” from an Eclipse standpoint. Doing this, I can debug it just fine. However, if I follow the tutorial on your website, I end up with the problem I discussed above.
    For what it’s worth, I think it would be a really good idea for MyEclipse to support Seam.

    #270040 Reply

    @mdesignz wrote:

    When I enter the userid, user, and password information I get three “Conversion Error” messages displayed.

    I had the same problem. It was caused by an error in the components.xml file.
    The jndiPattern was wrong.
    I suggest that you look in the jmx-xonsole into the JNDI view to check how the application is named and that you check whether this corresponds with the pattern in the components.xml.

    <property name=”jndiPattern”>seam-registration-ear/#{ejbName}/local</property>

    @mdesignz wrote:

    How do I debug this project? Setting break points in the User class, does nothing. The jBoss server is configured to start in debug mode. Any suggestions?

    If you started the server in Debug mode, it probably is debug enabled. The thing with the error above is that you won’t even reach the code in User and thus won’t hit the breakpoint.

    deploy the seam-registration app using “ant deploy” from within the seam/examples/registration folder. This should work out of the box and it will hit your breakpoint in User! (at least this way you see whether your JBoss is really in Debug mode 😉

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