
Migrate to MyEclipse

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  • #352178 Reply


    Thanks for the free license of MyEclipse for a year. I have a app which I have developed in MobiOne can you please provide us with some detail of how to migrate the app to MyEclipse platform


    #352182 Reply

    Hi Navneet,

    You are welcome. We are still in the process of troubleshooting a few issues with the migration path of Mobione to MyEclipse. As we want to make is as smooth as possible we do not want to give out partial steps or steps that may not work as expected. Rest assured we will make the process available on the forum when we compete it.


    #352185 Reply


    do you know approximately when will it be ready?
    will you make it on time before google play store remove our applications from the market?

    #352186 Reply

    We currently don’t have a set deadline as to when we can release the process as we want to make it as easy as possible.

    As for Google removing applications it is my understanding that only applications that pose a security risk to users, i.e. ones that pass secure data, are in threat of removal. We have not read of any apps actually being pulled at this time. But we will continue to watch what unfolds

    #352233 Reply


    I apologise for being blunt, but I have a client who is paying me to build them an app that MUST have push notifications and by the 1st November, and the only way I can implement that successfully is by using MyEclipse. Since I spent hours building the app in MobiOne, and I would have F all chance of rebuilding it in MyEclipse from scratch, I am kind of screwed.

    Needless to say, I am getting very annoyed.

    #352238 Reply



    You won’t forgive me for saying this but …

    We’re all screwed,

    You have little chance of an real support in terms of substance as MobiOne is now dead

    They are focusing on MyEclipse 🙁

    #352243 Reply


    I know this Richard, but I have been speaking to their billing team and they are working on a way to import MobiOne projects in to MyEclipse. The idea being you can design in MobiOne and Build in MyEclipse. They were generous in giving me a 2 year licence for MyEclipse.

    I have tried several times to import to MyEclipse, and it works in the simulator but when I build it and test it on iOS its just a blank white screen, and it wont show up in GapDebug. No Idea what I am doing wrong but I am in desperate need for the procedure to import as I am on a deadline.

    #352246 Reply


    You might want to try Intel XDK, I have successfully imported a MobiOne project albeit with a few hiccups along the way, it also has the ability to create push notifications although why anyone would want the nasty annoying things is beyond me.

    XX-Man posted this on how he achieved it but I cannot find the exact post.

    First, you need to change your main page file to index.mobi (update any links that point back to your main page too!). Run the Mobione emulator, so that it creates a www folder. Rename your old name_custom.js file to index_custom.js and put it into your new www folder. Run the Mobione emulator again. Now, all the files in the www/index folder are ready to import into Intel XDK. Point Intel XDK to your www folder. It should pick up the index.html file all by itself.
    [I had errors doing this so I just pointed it to the Index folder inside the www folder]
    I’ve got one of my apps emulating perfectly in Intel XDK and I’m about 80 percent of the way towards getting the Cordova build down.

    I guess anything is worth a try at this stage.

    #352247 Reply


    Excuse my Australian Accent here:

    Mate, you are a bloody legend!

    #352249 Reply


    I think ‘xx-man’ is the legend here not me but thank you anyway. I hope it works out for you. Your accent is bloody awful!

    #352281 Reply


    Still working out a couple issues w/ the Intel folks regarding some CSS that XDK inserts into imported Mobione projects that make them not display properly.

    -“The Legend”

    #352283 Reply


    Hey there Mr. Legend,
    I noticed this, apps designed for the ip5 will only display as ip4 size in the emulator but android sizes seem to display ok. Is this what you mean?

    #352284 Reply


    I mean that on my apps, XDK is inserting “hight: 440px” and “minimum-height: 440px” in the top-level CSS element, thus screwing up the rest of the document. I sent the Intel guys some of my code to look into it. Also, right now, it’s not possible to insert an icon that will show up in iTunes.

    (rather be known as “The Macho Man”…)

    #352304 Reply


    These are days that we have no news on the future of our work.
    On 31 December is already here?
    And the promise of a solution when it will arrive?

    #352337 Reply

    @The Macho Man any update from intel XDK team

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