
Milestone 3 new features

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  • #235503 Reply


    I read with interest the announcement from the ME home page which read as appended below. Can I assume that these features are still not available on Linux and Mac? If so, I think it is very important to point out these limitations in such promotional material. While $30 isn’t a LOT to risk, still being honest about where the ball was dropped in terms of multi-platform support shows integrity and respect for your customers.


    # New Visual Web Designer for WYSIWYG HTML/JSP development:

    * Multiple page editor for source, visual design, split-screen source-design and preview Modes
    * Visually layout and size HTML, JSF and Struts UI controls
    * Real-time synchronization between design and source modes
    * Collapsible palette with 50+ design wizards for the creation of new web UI controls
    * Custom form-based property editors integrated with Properties View
    * Drag-and-drop and copy/cut/paste UI controls and visually represented source artifacts
    * Visual controls depict fly-over details of the underlying source code
    * Design mode support for CSS styles
    * Code completion of elements and attributes
    * While-you-type and file save validation with Problems view support
    * Auto-correction support of JSP imports
    * Special support for default tag namespaces when editing JSP fragments that lack explicit
    * Show/hide non-visual tags in Visual Design Mode

    #235505 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    Yes, those are Windows only, and you’re right, we should call that out. I’ve sent an email to the web guys to ask them to be sure and clarify in the future.

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