
Milestone Progress?

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  • #232930 Reply

    John Parker

    It seems things have stalled there in MyEclipse land… no progress since releasing 4.0 M2 several weeks ago?

    How about an overall idea of how many milestones there will be, and a rough timetable for releases? Perhaps a revision of the roadmap as you still indicate an obviously highly optimistic date for 4.1 beta in early August (unless you are working on both 4.0 and 4.1 in parallel).

    #232948 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Actually, we’ve been progressing on everything very well, except updating the roadmap. 🙂

    We’ll be doing 3 milestones, with 4.0M3 very near the end of the month. From that build we’ll be doing only bug fixes for 4.0 final by mid-August.

    #233098 Reply

    Is that “3 milestones total” or “3 milestones to go”? 🙂

    #233101 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    3 Total, and as far as stalled, we are programming instead of posting… a lot… I had 13 bugzilla “fixed/resolved” emails this morning when I woke up (Saturday) just from last night. No one is resting on their laurels… infact I don’t think we even have laurels.

    #233180 Reply

    John Parker

    Thanks for the news, although I think a full roadmap update is still in order.

    By all means, give yourselves some laurels (except for the roadmap guy, fire his ass), just don’t rest on them.

    #233181 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    hah, roadmap guy is pulling his hair out because our releases are like moving targets. You’ll notice our roadmaps prior to 3.x were always spick and span, but then we hit the 3.x series and published really well planned out roadmaps and we would get 100s of posts “OMG feature ABC, I must have it!” so we would change that last minute, then we get 50 more comments “Why include XYZ? It’s totally useless! We need 123 NOW!” so we would change that last minute, etc. etc… anyway sometimes we think we listen to our users too much, making roadmaps impossible… but when we don’t listen they yell real loud and force us to listen, so there is a trade off somewhere in there between well-planned future map and listening to your users.

    #233182 Reply


    My suggestion to the roadmap guy…..Just make stuff up….I think all anyone wants to see is that their is progress towards a relase date..other than that…no one’s to worried….

    #233183 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    You are exactly right, I will kick him and management some suggestions from you guys. Because of how busy we are we forget sometimes that the roadmap is the ONLY way you guys can know what is going on so a slow roadmap == no activity as far as you all are concerned. Points well taken, we’ll see what we can do.

    #233184 Reply

    I think that having a “line” in the News&Updates will help answer many of the inquiries of “Whats Hapenning?”.

    Maybe not a roadmap, but neither the void. I think its important having that “note” in your page.

    My two cents.

    #233185 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    arico I don’t follow, which part of the site are you referring to?

    #233189 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Guys a quick update from management: We are entirely focused on 4.0 right now, after 4.0 gets out the door we will begin to commit to 4.1 and beyond and update the roadmap.

    #233195 Reply


    To arico’s suggestion, I think that a blurb on the front page would be nice. If I fire up a browser and go to http://www.myeclipseide.com and on that front page there’s a set of headlines: “MyEclipse 3.8.4 final available for all platforms,” “MyEclipse 4.0M2 available for all platforms,” and “MyEclipse 4.0M3 on track for August 1 release.”

    That would increase my calmness in a few key ways:
    1. I would know that the latest stable supported release is still 3.8.4.
    2. I would know that the build I’m running (M2) is the current 4.0 build
    3. I would know that the next 4.0 build is due out in a couple of weeks, that there have been no emergency bugs found, and that I can relax a little.

    #233197 Reply

    What I meant by a “line” is anything that can tell the reader that hard-work is currently going on.
    Maybe “We area currently working on MyEclipse4.0M3”.

    I know that having a deadline is very hard, but a line like “near the end of July” (I think) will work fine for most of us. That line actually exists in this thread. and the people who dig into the forums got it. But it is part of an answer of a question.

    The thing is that I (personally) like it better when this kind of information is up-front and not as an answer.

    And About the part of the site; I think taht two possible places are:
    1) somewhere in the main page.
    2) In the “News & Updates”. We get there pressing “News & Updates” in the upper right part of the site.


    #233270 Reply

    Riyad Kalla
    #233411 Reply


    I’ve been following EJB3 support in JBoss very closely over the last few months. Those guys are using Jira to plan their iterations, all visible via the net. see


    I’ve found this very informative and useful. Infact looking into rolling out Jira at work myself. Might be worth considering doing something similar.


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