
Minor HTML Editor Auto-completion error

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  • #233619 Reply


    On entering ‘</’ within a table cell the editor always completes to ‘</tr>’ even though there may be other unterminated tags – e.g. td or p.

    Obviously there are html ambiguities here but it is very irritating – you have to delete it every time!

    WinXP Pro SP2/JDK 1.5.0_03/Eclipse 3.1/MyEclipse 4.0M2 for 3.1

    #233633 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I cannot reproduce this, when you type </ the most recently opened tag is popped from the stack and closed, if you are getting </tr> closures then you likely have a dangling unclosed <tr> somewhere in your code.

    This could be an issue specific to your code, please paste an example snippet of HTML that I can use to reproduce this locally and tell me what to do to replicate it.

    #233659 Reply


    Try entering ‘</’ after the word ‘test’:

    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN”>


    Can’t get it to layout right – but this should work.

    Another minor problem – configuring lower case tags is not remembered on restarting Eclipse (hence the mixed tag sizes above)

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