FROM: Configuring MyEclipse Blue to run with WebSphere 5.1, 6.0 and 6.1:
WebSphere 5.x, 6.0 and 6.1 Tutorial
section 5.1 Traditional Deployment
Under New Deployment screen shot.
Optionally you can adjust if the deployment is Exploded (for development, where each change is synchronized with the server as the file is saved) or Packaged (for production, where a WAR or EAR is created and deployed only when the developer comes to this dialog and his the Deploy button). Choosing either is technically fine, but using the default of Exploded will provide faster development cycles for you as your changes are pushed out to the server instantly.
should be:
….comes to this dialog and ==> hits <== the Deploy button).
By The Way: Nice set of screen shots in this document.