
Missing application web.xml

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  • #232909 Reply

    Roughly 40% of the time I deploy my application as a WAR file to my server on localhost, I get the following message in the console:

    INFO [ContextConfig] Missing application web.xml, using defaults only StandardEngine[jboss.web].StandardHost[localhost].StandardContext[/imcAdmin]

    (imcAdmin is the name of the application)

    Redeploying – or removing and redeploying – will usually correct the situation in the next few attempts.

    Threads I’ve reviewed indicate the source of this is most likely a loss of internet connection during deployment.

    While it’s possible, I’m doubtful – I have a DSL and never seem to have issues with anything else. It seems no better or worse at any time I deploy.

    Is this the cause? If so – is it possible to wrap the deployment around a test for an internet connection several times? Or at least not display “Deployment Successful” in the deploy dialog?

    Any ideas you may have will be greatly appreciated. This is a rather costly time waster.


    #232932 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Larry if you are just deploying to a locally installed Tomcat server AND it is running, then what is most likely is happening is a read lock causing automatica deployment from working. If you shut down the server and deploy the war each time, does i work without problems?

    #233257 Reply

    Your comment about a read lock makes sense, but what about Hot Deploy?

    I’m deploying to the default install of JBoss 4.x (currently 4.0.3RC1). This has always happened – just I decided finally to ask about it. Currently developing on OS X, using Java 5, but have also had the same issue on Windows and Linux with previous versions of Java and JBoss.

    Shutting down the server, rebuilding the project, and refreshing *usually* takes care of the situation. But that contradicts the Hot Deploy requirement.

    Is anyone else having issues with this? Am I missing something?

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