
Missing Documentation File – Hibernate Guide

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  • #243464 Reply


    When I try to access the “Hibernate Developers Guide” I see the following ..”The topic that you have requested is not available. The link may be wrong, or you may not have the corresponding product feature installed. This online help only includes documentation for features that are installed.” Is there a way to remove and/or re-install the documentaion?. I can see all of the other categories and content.

    Version: 4.0.1
    Build id: 20051103-4.1-Milestone1

    #243474 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    I’m afraid there isn’t any way to re-install just the documenation.
    Are you referring to the MyEclipse Application Developer Guide > Getting Started > Hibernate document?
    I do not have a copy of 4.0.1 to test against, so I cannot confirm whether there is a problem – but you can get the guide online here:


    You could also pick up the PDF if you wish from here: http://www.myeclipseide.com/ContentExpress-display-ceid-67.html
    Hope this helps,

    #243476 Reply

    Hmmm… no I am refering to content located under the Eclipse Help – Eclipse SDK the list includes :
    Workbench User Guide
    Java Development User Guide
    Platform Plug-in Developer Guide
    JDT Plug-in Developer Guide
    PDE Guide
    MyEclipse Spring Developer Guide
    Spring Java/J2EE Application Framework Guide (remote)
    Hibernate Developer Guide
    MyEclipse Database Explorer User Guide
    MyEclipse Application Developer Guide
    MyEclipse Tapestry Developer Guide
    I can open and view all bu the Hibernate Developers guide.


    #243478 Reply

    Brian Fernandes

    Thank you for clarifying.

    The Hibernate Developer Guide you speak of is installed with Hibernate Tools from JBoss, not by MyEclipse, so you would have to go there for support.

    Please note that at this point we do not support installing Hibernate Tools over MyEclipse since the two use conflicting versions of WTP and will most probably result in both not functioning as they should.
    MyEclipse 4.1M2 has quite a few Hibernate features added, so you could have a look at that or wait until 4.1GA.


    #243489 Reply

    Thanks Brian, I am now remembering where the help file and tools came from. I’ll take a look at 4.1M2 now. is there an equivalant Guide on using the Hibernate features?

    Thanks, again.


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