- This topic has 12 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 7 months ago by
primomelchorParticipantHi everyone and Genuitec team,
I was trying to format selected section of a PHP file then it returns error (see: image001.png). Then I tried installing this PHP-file formatter through codemix extension tool. And I am greeted with the a notice (see: image002.png). Tried installing through codemix extension window and through VSIX file, but to of no luck still not working. By the way, while I was looking for VSIX and found some interesting VSIX files on visual studio extension website. Whenever I install any VSIX file I get this error (see image003.png). Why is this and how do I install VSIX file/s?
Thank you in advance for anyone who will respond.
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Sorry you’re seeing these problems. I’m having difficulty replicating the problem here so may need for information from you to help our investigation?
The phpfmt extension is a dependency of our PHP Pack and all dependencies would normally be installed automatically. Could you try uninstalling PHP Pack and then reinstalling it, which should pull in all dependencies also?
If that does not help, please let us know the following:
- Which eclipse package do you have installed, and which version? The information from Help->About should be enouugh
- Which OS and version are you running?
- Which eclipse CodeMix plugins did you install from eclipse MarketPlace? Just installing PHP::CodeMix would be enough but maybe you installed CodeMix first and then PHP::CodeMix?
- If you continue seeing problems with installing from a vsix file, please mention the steps you’re taking to install the file and provide the name of one extension which fails, including a link to the vsix file to help us replicate.
- Go to Window->Show View->Other->General->Error Log and then export your log, using the Export Log icon or the context menu, to a text file and attach it to your reply.
This should provide us enough information to track down the problem. However, if you get it working through reinstalling PHP Pack, please let us know.
primomelchorParticipantHi Tony,
Thank you for your quick response. I actually have done the uninstall and reinstall of PHP pack but still have the same. I have tried uninstall and reinstall codemix but still same warning messages. Now, I am trying to install a clean version of eclipse, because I am getting frustrated with all this warnings and errors. Its more hassle but I hope this could fix my problems.
Anyway, to answer your questions, see below answers:
1.) I am using eclipse oxygen 4.7.2. I am planning to use eclipse-php-oxygen-3a for my reinstall (installer I got from here: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/release/oxygen/3a). Do you have any suggestion/instruction before I proceed?
2.) I am running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
3.) Yes, I think I can recall installing PHP::codemix first on codemix extension tool. But since the error There is no selection formatter for PHP-file installed keeps popping up whenever I am formatting a chunk of my code, I then installed PHP::codemix from eclipse marketplace.
4.) For sample VSIX file installation I do:
a.) I download VSIX file from https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SteveCadwallader.CodeMaid
b.) I then place the VSIX file inside the eclipse folder
c.) I then navigate to codemix extension window on eclipse
d.) I then click the install from VSIX file
e.) A folder navigation pop up then appear, then I navigate to the folder location of the downloaded VSIX file and select/click the file
f.) Then the error appears and the VSIX file deletes itself or disappears. I don’t really know what happens to the file but it disappears from the folder.
5.) Log file attached. Due privacy concerns I changed the project name into <project dir>I will wait for your reply before proceeding with the clean install of eclipse-php-oxygen-3a. I hope to hear from you the soonest. Just some side question, though not written on codemix requirement, can I use eclipse Photon instead?
Thank you very much,
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Thanks for the information.
Unless you have a particular reason to install a back level release of eclipse, I would always recommend the latest release, so, yes, you can use photon. Can you confirm the oxygen package that you installed? Was it the PHP package?
Just to be clear on your CodeMix install, it seems that you installed just the base CodeMix plugin from eclipse MarketPlace and then installed the PHP Pack from the extensions manager. Is that correct?
This is noted. Its just that what is written on codemix Requirements & Compatibility (https://www.genuitec.com/products/codemix/download/) is its compatible with Eclipse Oxygen (4.7), Eclipse Neon (4.6) and no mention of Eclipse Photon. It is Oxygen Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers.
Regarding my codemix install. Yes that is correct.
Sorry about that documentation; we hadn’t updated it after adding photon support, but will do so. Thanks for pointing that out.
Your log file has a lot of mixed errors indicating a possible corrupted eclipse install, so a reinstall of eclipse is a good idea. I’ve just attempted the install on oxygen eclipse Ubuntu 16.04 and don’t see any problems so will wait on your results from the photon install before investigating further.
Do let us know how you get on.
This is noted. I will now proceed with clean install of Eclipse Photon for PHP developer. And will inform you once I am done or if I encounter further errors.
Just finished the clean install of Eclipse Photon for JAVA EE. Then went to marketplace. Installed codemix CI 2018.7.18 then tried formatting a chunk of my PHP code. Still got the same error (as seen on image001). I checked the extension tool. I still got the same error.
I am attaching the log file for your reference.
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Well, at least a lot of the errors went away. I suspect that there may have been some corruption from the previous attempt. I’m sorry, but I should have mentioned that the
file in your home folder would be picked up by the new eclipse/codemix install.Stop eclipse then delete or rename the
folder (it will be hidden by default). Now launch eclipse and go to the extension manager. The last known installed extensions would still appear to be installed so go to the PHP Pack extension and uninstall it (it will ask to uninstall dependents and you should uninstall these also). When the uninstall completes, click the reload icon and you should see no extensions. Now click the Browse for Extensions button, select the PHP Pack from the browser and wait for CodeMix, in eclipse, to install the necessary extensions. Now you should be able to format your PHP code.By the way, I assume you’re not also using Visual Studio Code. I don’t know if this will affect what I wrote above but let me know if you have that also, and I’ll investigate.
Please let us know how you get on.
Regarding your problem with the missing extension/package.json message, this seems to be because the extension is not supported for Visual Studio Code (VSC), only for the full Visual Studio program. You will need to check that any extension you wish to install is suitable (I checked the extension you mentioned, CodeMaid, and it isn’t supported for VSC).
primomelchorParticipantHi Tony,
I tried your suggestion of deleting/renaming .codemix folder, and Uninstalling and reinstalling codemix extension packages. And it worked, I guess?, I no longer get the error and warning messages.
But when I try to format the chunk of code I get this message at the bottom of the workspace(see image004). Is this because I am formatting HTML code inside a php file? What can I do if I want to achieve this?Also, how do I check if an extension is supported for Visual Studio Code (VSC) and not for the full Visual Studio program only? Any indicator I should be looking for?
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That’s great news.
I’m afraid I can’t help you with the specifics of the phpfmt extension, though it may be that the selection formatting only works when PHP code is selected (e.g. within the
element). You could try the phpfmt project page or something like StackOverflow for more assistance.Regarding what editions of Visual Studio are supported by an extension, again that’s down to the extension’s documentation. However, for example, the link you provided for CodeMaid shows that it requires VS2012, VS2013, VS2015 or VS2017, not VSC; if you go to the home page on that site, there is a link to “Visual Studio Code”, which shows extensions for that edition and you can search there.
Hope this helps.
This helps a lot. At least now I know what/where to look.
Thanks for being of great help. Thats all for now for me.