
missing fields off the JPA Reverse engineering

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  • #347919 Reply


    I know this must have been mentioned before but i cant find it, when you do a JPA reverse engineering on a database the system generated fields do not produce a “findby” which seems odd as they are surly the kind of fields you will want to search by the most, I am guessing this is because they are not part of the writeable object, but is there a way to product the find by, or is just a case of coding it manually?

    Many thanks

    #347964 Reply


    Can you please be more clear on what exact requirement you are looking for ? Also share your MyEclipse installation details from MyEclipse > Installation summary > Installation details ?

    Can you please clarify whether you have selected/checked ‘Generate precise findby methods’ in the JPA reverse engineering wizard ? If not, you need to select/check that option to generate the detailed findby methods.

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