While showing a new colleague around MyEclipse and why we use it here, I selected the jsp:include and then hit F1 for:
<jsp:include flush=”true” page=”
A help file opens up and says:
“The JSP source page editor lets you edit a JavaServer Pages file. The editor provides many text editing features, such as content assist, user-defined templates, syntax highlighting, unlimited undo and redo, element selection and formatting, and document formatting.”
with links for:
Structured text editors for markup languages
Editing text coded in markup languages – overview
Adding and removing JSP templates
Making content assist work for JSP files
HOWEVER for each link we recieve:
The topic that you have requested is not available. The link may be wrong, or you may not have the corresponding product feature installed. This online help only includes documentation for features that are installed.
IMAGINE my surprise since we are thrilled with the product and are showcasing it to other teams. So the question is WHERE is the documentation for this and WHY isnt it updated and corrected with MyEclipse product updates.