
Missing TSLint error markers on editor

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  • #609309 Reply


    After CodeMix update we have a case of missing error markers from tslint, these type of errors are being reported on the command line validation.

    #609311 Reply



    What we should check is that you have the “tslint” dependency on your package.json file, we could also verify that you have tslint enabled on your CodeMix settings, to check this, go to Window -> Preferences -> CodeMix -> Settings -> Workspace Settings in here on the text field type tslint, you should have a setting named tslint.enable and should be on true.

    Best Regards

    #609312 Reply



    In the case of vue projects, some of them are javascript based, and tslint is only used to validate Typescipt based projects. You may want to install the eslint extension, you can install it by downloading the vsix file of it and install it using the CodeMix Extension editor (Help -> CodeMix Extensions…) eslint extension here you can find how to configure the extension. You’ll also want to read a bit of the vue-eslint documentation on vuejs eslint

    Let us know if you have any other question.

    Best Regards

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by support-tony.
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