- This topic has 55 replies, 21 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by
latika malhotra.
support-michaelKeymasterEdited March 23, 2011
Mobi-Bike News
USA Cycling Headlines
An iPhone mobile web RSS reader created with MobiOne Studio 1.1Run it (best viewed on iPhone or MobiOne Test Center)
After initial load, save to Home Screen to see custom app icon and startup image.Download
See attachment mobi-bikenews-screens-50.png
1) Uses YQL to read and parse RSS feed and return results as Javascript array (JSON)
Try this link
http://developer.yahoo.com/yql/console/#h=select%20channel.title%2Cchannel.link%2Cchannel.item.title%2Cchannel.item.link%2C%20channel.item.pubDate%2C%20channel.item.description%20from%20xml%20where%20url%3D%22http%3A//www.usacycling.org/rss/headlines.rss%222) Listing page was created as follows:
a) start new page
b) add panel – enabled vertical scrollbar and increased content area to approx 2000 px
c) add single list-item
d) removed all list-item components
e) add text components for title & date – configured styling for both
f) add custom javascript function to invoke YQL query and then dynamically build as many list-items as articles returned in the YQL query
g) CSS – I had to override CSS styling by loading my own xxx_custom.css created file. For example I wanted article titles to wrapWayne
Genuitec Mobile TeamAttachments:
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Thats fantastic! Is it possible to show us how you did this please? As I really need to do this for an app I’m making.
Thank you.
ALincolnMemberThis is a great addition to the functionality, but when I add the news feed I want to the code in <mobibike-news.custom.js> I get nothing!
How can I incorporate, eg:into:
I just updated the original post with a few more details of how I created the Mobi-Bike news reader. In a nutshell I used YQL to test accessing and viewing the RSS feed data. Then I copy-pasted the YQL query into my app.
I think that method has problems reading a Joomla feed, so I converted it in FeedBurner and it works ok now.
kbluntMemberI think this would help with my RSS issue, but I need a bit more guidance. Any chance you can put more details.
1. Like configuring the YQL
2. Where did you put the code in “Your App”
support-michaelKeymaster1) See an example of my YQL query in the YQL Console here
2) I created the articles list by 1st creating
a) start new design
b) add a panel
c) enable the panel’s Vertical Scrollbar and I set the Content Area Height to a large pixel value of approx 1500
d) add a single ListItem near the top of the panel where I want the 1st article in a feed to appear. This is a placeholder listitem that I will use as a template to dynamically create a full article listing
e) added placeholder text component to the listitem where I wanted the article title to appear
f) at runtime I remove the placeholder listitem from the DOM using JavaScript and then dynamically build a list based on the html of the placeholder itemI had to write a bit of javascript to build the articles list. A link to the mobi-bike example is available at the top of this thread.
What I would really like to see are several page-builder wizards that would do all this work for you. This is already on the roadmap to introduce as soon as possible. The current hold up is man power.
echoespfMemberHow do I do this yet show the full article rather than a truncated version?
i created an web app with mobione. But i do not understand how to include our rss feeds (http://www.fifa-news.com/de/news/feed/rss/ or http://www.fifa-news.com/de/news/feed/atom/). Can you make an step by step tutorial or a video. Thanks for your help!
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support-michaelKeymasterThis message has not been recovered.