
MobiOne – on iphone 6

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  • #351632 Reply


    I’ve got a webapp (not native) and the problem I’m seeing is that the display
    doesn’t size itself to full screen.

    Any fix to this?

    If this product is not being supported anymore – can I get a hint as to where to
    look to fix this myself. I assume it’s somewhere in the javascript code.


    #351633 Reply


    I believe the issue lies in the layout engine. I asked the dev team for feedback on if/how it can be addressed. Will update you as soon as I know more.

    #351634 Reply



    I believe the same issue was also on the iphone 5.

    But didn’t look as bad because the width was the same as iphone 4 –
    so just some space at the bottom.

    If you guys can fix this – it’d be amazing!!!

    If not – at least a pointer as to where to look would be more than appreciated.

    I along with others wait for a solution.


    #351636 Reply


    The app sizes itself to the ipad very nicely.

    So the logic is there somewhere.

    Can you find out wx this layout engine is in app.js file or res/phoneui.js file

    Some additional info.

    I’m using window.innerWidth/.innerHeight to do some canvas drawing and it’s
    gettting drawing correctly based on the full available client area on iphone 6.

    Looks like the navbar/toolbars layout is hardcoded to iphone 4 dimensions.

    Also looks like the layout is being done in app.js and that’s an obsfucated file –
    can’t make sense at this time.

    Any word one whether this will be fixed and then the eta would be appreciated!

    #351676 Reply


    Mobione apps do not stretch across the full width on iphone6 devices.

    Here’s a temporary kludge to get mobione apps to stretch to the full widgh of iphone6.

    phoneui.documentReadyHandler = function()
    if ( window.innerWidth == 375 ) // iPhone 6
    var mvp = document.getElementsByName( “viewport” );

    if ( mvp != undefined && mvp.length == 1 )
    mvp[0].setAttribute( “content”, “minimal-ui, initial-scale=1.172, maximum-scale=1.172, user-scalable=0” );


    #352351 Reply


    Any progress on this issue.

    Issue being running Mobione webapp (not native) on Iphone 6 and 6+.

    Specifically taking advantage of th additional real-estate.


    #352353 Reply

    I have not heard about any updates on this. One of the main focuses is getting an alternative to the build servers (i.e. Mobione into MyEclipse and other possible solutions).
    If I do hear anything on it I will pass it along.

    #352356 Reply


    There’s support for iphone 4, 5 and ipad in the app – so the logic is there.

    I’ve got a feeling it’s in app.js – but it’s a heavily obfuscated javascript file.

    Since support for Mobione seems to be going away soon – maybe if you guys
    can point us in the right direction (e.g. the raw app.js) file – we can make
    the appropriate changes to make it compatible. And then upload so that
    others can use it also.

    #352360 Reply


    Yes, While I can’t promise anything, I am hoping to have all major issues taken care of. I currently don’t have an iPhone 6. Can you do a screen grab so I can see exactly how it appears on your device?


    #352366 Reply


    I don’t have one either – just what customers tell me.

    Basically white space on the right and bottom sides.

    As noted above – if I change the scaling in the app.html file – i can get it
    to take up the full width – but not the full height. But it’s better than nothing.

    But I think if mobi supported these 2 sizes – i think we would be in a good place.

    If mobi can’t do it – just release the app.js source and I can take care of it and
    will post it.

    #352644 Reply


    Can I get some idea on how long it’ll be to get a solution to the iphone 6 issue.

    1. looking into it – about when it’ll be completed.

    2. not looking into it – but thinking about giving out the source code.

    3. not looking into it and not thinking about giving out the source code.


    #352649 Reply

    I believe the new build process in MyEclipse will solve this issue with the display on the iPhone 6. It should be ready to release with the CI stream in the next few days.

    #352651 Reply



    I assume also 6+.

    So by the end of the month for sure – right?

    #352653 Reply

    Yes, it should be fine on the 6+ as well. We are still working on the documentation so are currently shooting for Monday for the release.

    #352655 Reply


    On re-reading your email – this is for mobione right?

    I’m talking about mobione web-apps.

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