
modifying the default JSF template

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  • #227992 Reply

    Is there a way to either change or make my own template file to use as the default?

    #228081 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    It is manual at this point, but yes. Navigate to your <myeclipse install dir>\eclipse\plugins\com.genuitec.eclipse.wizards_3.8.4\Templates dir and you can modify the JsF.jsp template or add a new one by going up one level and modifying the templates.properties file (instructions are at the top of the file).

    #265304 Reply



    is there advanced support yet or do I still have to do it manually?
    My version is: 5.1.0

    Kind Regards

    #265305 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Still manually. We hope to improve the templates in general for 5.5 but customization will need to be manual.

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