
Multiline notes in diagrams

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  • #236316 Reply


    Hi 🙂
    I’m having a little problem when adding multiline notes to diagrams.. They get displayed with a lot of blank space between each line.
    I tried to do the same with ArgoUML 1.18.1 and it behaves the same way, but with 1.19.3 (developer version) everything is okay.. So, I’d just like to ask what’s your policy of “integration” with ArgoUML.. I mean, do you use only the stable release?
    Thanks in advance 🙂

    #236342 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Thank you for the heads up, we’ll have a look. As far as our “policy” with Argo, we roll in any and all improvements that are necessary to make our product better.

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