
Multiple application servers for development and production?

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  • #227365 Reply


    Just curious.. we use Websphere 5 as a production application server. WAS5 will provide our datasources for a DB and these would be used in our application…

    Is there any other Application Server (hopefully free) that I could use to develop that would be compatible with WAS? I know IBM is big on the proprietary stuff… That way I could just DEPLOY on my dev server, and also just DEPLOY for my production server without any actual changes..

    Right now I’m thinking I’d need to make a Proxy class that would use the appropriate data source classes depending on the server…

    #227371 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Assuming the data source is just a generic JNDI data source, you should be able to work with JBoss (for EJB) or Tomcat (no EJB) on your dev machine, then deploy, merely changing the JNDI settings to match your datasource. Although I haven’t used WebSphere (for the reason you state).

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