
Multiple Javadoc directories

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  • #202304 Reply

    Steve Bang

    Like in IntelliJ, I need to be able to define multiple Javadoc locations. Our APIs are documented in three different Javadoc sets. As far as I can tell, we can only define one in MyEclipse.

    #202313 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This is actually a Eclipse setting. Atleast I’m not aware of any MyEclipse-specific javadoc setting.

    You are correct there is only one location per project. Your choices are to setup multiple projects and then you can generate/specify the javadoc per project for each project, OR just write an ant script to generate them.

    #202320 Reply

    Steve Bang

    Duh — you’re right. Besides learning MyEclipse, I’m also in the process of learning the idosyncracies of Eclipse. A colleague of mine (co-learning with me) noticed that in the Eclipse proect properties, when you add external JARs, you can specify Javadoc locations there too. Haven’t tried it yet, but it may be what we’re looking for.

    Thanks for the quick reply!

    #202321 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    You can also attach source, which is where the autocomplete determines the param names AND gets the javadoc popup entries from. So if you attach javadoc and you still don’t see the popup javadoc, make sure to attach source to the library. The javadoc attachment helps when you want to actually open up the API documentation in a browser.

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