
Multiple server deploy

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  • #216983 Reply


    I strongly suggest to permit multiple deploy on the same type of server.
    At moment I’m developing using a local install of Weblogic 8.1; when the build is stable I have to manually ftp jars, wars and ears on remote test and production server.
    It would be better to allow multiple deployment on the same application server type located on different machines (at moment only different application servers are allowed for one project).

    #216987 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Yep, this has been asked for 611 times, we know this needs to change, but it will take some time (the structure it relies on needs to change, and that’s a big change).

    #218688 Reply

    Stuart McGrigor

    Make that 612 times 🙂

    #218689 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Duley noted

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