
Multiple servers

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  • #294951 Reply


    My project requires two applications to be installed into separate domains of the glassfish V2. It seems to be a limitation within MyEclipse7.0.1 to create two servers of the same type in the servers view. Please let me know if it is possible.


    #294956 Reply


    My project requires two applications to be installed into separate domains of the glassfish V2.

    Do you mean that there are 2 applications and you would like to deploy using glassfish V2? That should be simple enough. You can right click on each of these applications, go to MyEclipse -> Add/Remove Project Deployments. This will open Project Deployments window. Select the project to be deployed. Click on [Add]. On your new deployment page, select glassfish.

    Go through this tutorial -> http://www.myeclipseide.com/documentation/quickstarts/appservers/

    #294964 Reply


    Thanks for the response. Actually, the issue is with common ejb modules deployed across the 2 applications. Since they have the same JNDI name, conflict occurs there. The 2nd application does not get loaded. Earlier, while using Eclipse I was able to create two server instances and deploy each application on a server.
    I tried the custom application server connector launch config as mentioned in Section 9.2 of the tutorial http://www.myeclipseide.com/documentation/quickstarts/appservers/
    But what the tutorial misses is how to add the project to the newly created server. Since the servers view shows the new server name in [] along with the other server. Eg. Tomcat5.x [Tomcat 5.x Custom], which is confusing.


    #295088 Reply


    Can you please let me know on how to deploy to the server configuration created through the Run configuration.

    #295089 Reply


    Sorry, that I couldn’t get back to you early-on, I am researching how to use the same EJB module in 2 different enterprise applications. In the meanwhile I will suggest you to cross post the same query in EJB/enterprise application forums.

    As for how to deploy and run your appliocation, here it is – right click on the project, go to MyEclipse – Add and Remove Project Deployments. Select the project from the Project drop down. Click on [Add]. Select server in the next screen. Choose the deploy type and click on [Finish]. Select the Project deployed in the Deployments window. This will show you the deployment status as successfully deployed. Click on [OK].

    Go to Window – Show/View – servers.
    This will list you all the configured servers and the deployed applications/projects under each server.

    Expand the server where you have deployed your application, select your application and click on the run icon.
    Let me know if this helps!

    #295094 Reply


    Thanks, Joy.
    To my understanding, the steps given by you are for the deployment of a project into the Server configured through the standard connector (say Glassfish 2.x).
    I am able to do that. My scenario is as below

    I have two EAR applications – myear1, myear2. Each of these have web and ejb modules. Some ejb modules are shared between myear1 and myear2. Say commonejb1, commonejb2.

    I have configured one glassfish server through the connector and I get to see Glassfish 2.x in my ‘Servers’ view. I have also deployed myear1 to the Glassfish 2.x server. It deployed successfully and works fine. common ejb modules got deployed along with this. So far no issues.

    Now I have to deploy myear2 in a new domain / server. I have configured another domain in glass fish through its command line already. Now I goto MyEclipse > Run > Run Configurations and created a new MyEclipseServer of type Glassfish 2.x. Name of this configuration is “Glassfish New”. On clicking on Run button, the server startup happens and I get to see the console window log.

    But in the Servers veiw, it is shown as Glassfish 2.x [Glassfish New] and the status as Running.

    Now my questions are
    1. Why does it not show Glassfish New as a separate server in the Servers view.Since it is clubbed, the status field is confusing as to which server is running.

    2. How do I now deploy myear2 into Glassfish New. If I right click myear1 > MyEclipse > Add and remove project deployments, I am not getting Glassfish New listed in the servers drop down.

    3. Is there any other approach to introduce a new server of the same type in MyEclipse to solve this.

    I will pm you the screenshots as I cannot do it from here. Please help.


    #295131 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    This is a shortcoming in our implementation of custom launch configurations that we are looking at fixing shortly in a future release — I’m really sorry you ran into this. The workaround right now is to setup a new custom location deployment for that project to the correct location under your second domain location to be deployed to manually.

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