
Multiple SQL result tabs

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  • #270548 Reply

    In the Database explorer perspective when I execute a query the results show up in the SQL results view under a tab called “Result 1”.
    Now I was expecting that if I execute another sql query (In the same sql editor or a separate sql editor) the results from this second sql query should show up in the SQL Results view under a new tab called “Results 2”.
    This does not happen. The second query results show up in the “Results 1” tab and the older results are lost.
    If multiple results tabs are not supported then why are the results shown inside a Tab which is named “Results 1” which seems to indicate that “Results 2”, “Results X” would be possible? Maybe there is a setting I am missing somewhere?

    I am using the latest release of MyEclipse Version: 5.5.1 Build id: 20070521-5.5.1-GA with Eclipse 3.2.2 running on Windows XP.


    #270581 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I believe enhancing this is on our TODO list, I’ll double check.

    #270584 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I checked and yes it’s on our TODO list to improve how returned results are handled. I’ve added your comments to the issue.

    #271624 Reply



    Not to be a pain, but can I get an idea when this might be available? My request for this feature is probably around an year now. Thanks,

    – rkb

    #271661 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    No committed time line from management. I wish we could get every feature request everyone asked for in, but unfortunately the reality is that at any given time we have a list of about 1000 feature requests, in addition to new features we need to add and bug fixes. So with a list that big, you imagine some things get shuffled to the end rather quickly.

    I’ll nicely ask one of the DB devs to see if this is easily dooable, but management has to OK it.

    #280490 Reply



    Its been a year since this was updated. Has it recieved any attention? Thanks,

    – rkb

    #280526 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    No it hasn’t received any attention.

    #280574 Reply


    Will it ever?

    If its not going to, please have the courage to say so, at least then I can look to another tool for these features.

    #280584 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Not an issue of courage, it’s an issue of management not having made a decision on the change or not. If I had more information for you I’d happily share it, I just don’t.

    #280636 Reply


    Thanks for the response.

    In retrospect, if my last mail sounded rude, I apologize. I work in Verizon, which as you are probably aware, is a pretty big company and one of the things our group has always tried to do is clearly state our position on any feature a client of ours asks for. If accepted, its always scheduled into a release.

    And even though, my company is standardizing on NetBeans as its preferred development IDE, I have pushed my management allow developers to chose their IDEs, in my case (My)Eclipse for the additional tools like this, it brings to the table. This feature (SQL Results) is probably one of those things, that a server developer like myself would need about 2 times a year and usually when the “cr*p has hit the fan”. So its quite frustrating to find when I check for a ‘status’, that its not even been considered.

    I request to take this to your management, to see if they can ‘change’ the way they accept feature requests. Thanks for your support.

    #280663 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I have no problem forwarding your request directly to management.

    Can you please articulate exactly the functionality you are looking for, how many people in your group need it and any other details you think are important we should know? I’ll take your reply and send it to our product manager to evaluate and he can get back in touch with you directly if there are any followup questions.

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