
Mutliple Join Issue

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  • #248389 Reply


    I am trying to run a query on my “contacts” to “contact_phones” to “phones” tables. I have read through other forums, and even looked it up in my handy “Hibernate in Action” book but am still lost. Any help would be appreciated.

    The Contact_Phone class mapping file:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"
        Mapping file autogenerated by MyEclipse - Hibernate Tools
        <class name="Phones.Contact_Phone" table="contacts_phones" schema="public">
            <composite-id name="id" class="Phones.Contact_PhoneId">
                <key-many-to-one name="phones" class="Phones.Phone">
                    <column name="phoneid" />
                <key-many-to-one name="contacts" class="Contacts.Contact">
                    <column name="contactid" />

    Where I am calling it from:

    package Libraries.Getters;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.List;
    import org.hibernate.Criteria;
    import org.hibernate.Query;
    import org.hibernate.criterion.Restrictions;
    import Contacts.Contact;
    import Libraries.Session.SessionHelper;
    import Phones.Contact_Phone;
    import Phones.Phone;
     * @author Owner
    public class GetContactInfo
        SessionHelper session = new SessionHelper();
         * Sets the passed in Contact's Set of Phones.  
         * @param c
        public void populatePhones(Contact c)
        //    Contact x = new Contact("M", "Bob", "last", new Date());
               // Clearing the set in order to have the 
                //  most up to date phone numbers 
            String SQL_QUERY = "from Contact c join fetch c.contactsPhoneses " +
            "where c.contactid = 33";
            String sql  = "from Contact_Phone p join fetch p.id"; // " +
            //"where c.contactid = 33"; 
                    //"Contact_Phone cp "; 
                //    "c.contactid = 33";
            Query query = session.getSession().createQuery(sql);
            /*Criteria crit = session.getSession().createCriteria(Contact_Phone.class);
            crit.add(Restrictions.like("id", c.getContactid())); //Like condition
            //crit.add(Restrictions.between("id", 12, 20));
            // crit.setMaxResults(6); // Restricts the max rows
              List mess = (List) crit.list(); 
                List mess = (List) query.list(); 
                //List mess = getCriteria();
              for (Iterator it = mess.iterator(); it.hasNext();) 
                  Contact phone = (Contact) it.next(); //extracting each instance
                 // c.getContactsPhoneses().add(phone); // adding the Phone instance to the Phone Set of c
                  System.out.println("id = " + phone.getContactid());
              //System.out.println("-- Iteration Successful -- ");

    I will keep looking on my own, but any suggestions would be appreciated.


    #248390 Reply


    These also might be helpful:

    The AbstractContact_Phone class:

    package Phones;
     * AbstractContact_Phone generated by MyEclipse - Hibernate Tools
    public abstract class AbstractContact_Phone implements java.io.Serializable
        // Fields
        private Contact_PhoneId id;
        // Constructors
        /** default constructor */
        public AbstractContact_Phone()
        /** full constructor */
        public AbstractContact_Phone(Contact_PhoneId id)
            this.id = id;
        // Property accessors
        public Contact_PhoneId getId()
            return this.id;
        public void setId(Contact_PhoneId id)
            this.id = id;

    And the Contact_PhoneID.java

    package Phones;
    import Contacts.Contact;
     * Contact_PhoneId generated by MyEclipse - Hibernate Tools
    public class Contact_PhoneId implements java.io.Serializable
        // Fields
        private Phone phones;
        private Contact contacts;
        // Constructors
        /** default constructor */
        public Contact_PhoneId()
        // Property accessors
        public Phone getPhones()
            return this.phones;
        public void setPhones(Phone phones)
            this.phones = phones;
        public Contact getContacts()
            return this.contacts;
        public void setContacts(Contact contacts)
            this.contacts = contacts;
        public boolean equals(Object other)
            if ((this == other))
                return true;
            if ((other == null))
                return false;
            if (!(other instanceof Contact_PhoneId))
                return false;
            Contact_PhoneId castOther = (Contact_PhoneId) other;
            return ((this.getPhones() == castOther.getPhones()) || (this
                    .getPhones() != null
                    && castOther.getPhones() != null && this.getPhones().equals(
                    && ((this.getContacts() == castOther.getContacts()) || (this
                            .getContacts() != null
                            && castOther.getContacts() != null && this
        public int hashCode()
            int result = 17;
            result = 37 * result
                    + (getPhones() == null ? 0 : this.getPhones().hashCode());
            result = 37 * result
                    + (getContacts() == null ? 0 : this.getContacts().hashCode());
            return result;

    Thanks again,

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