
My app is a finalist in the Equestrian Digital Awards

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  • #346401 Reply

    Firstly, I want to share that my App ‘Know Your Horse’ for Android, was selected as a finalist in the Equestrian Social Media Award’s:)
    Built solely in MobiOne.


    Secondly, I am now making an ios version, but not owning an ios device, I need to find testers, and would like to know if there is a suggested place/site that I could ask for testers.

    Thank you in advance


    #346402 Reply


    I have five horses. five goats, lots of chickens, lots of ducks. I am learning how to “mess with smartphones”. I would look at your app as a tester. Let me know.

    #346403 Reply

    that would be great daveclark.
    i will message you details now 🙂

    i couldn’t find a message button – i must be having a blonde moment lol

    I will need your phone/device UDID # to add to my list of approved devices.
    You can find it either at http://get.udid.io/ where you need to manually copy the url into the browser (or apparently it doesn’t work directly by clicking on it – at least not via facebook) or

    go through iTunes following these steps http://whatsmyudid.com/

    You can then email me at living.horses at yahoo dot com and if you could also include if it’s an iphone 3, 4 or 5, that would be sensational.

    I will then send you a link with the download for testing out.

    Much appreciated B-)

    #346424 Reply


    Nice one. Well done on the nomination!

    #346459 Reply


    I have been playing with the app for a couple days and I like it. It is easy to read and has enough options to keep occupied for a while. I am getting use to the calculation parts of the app, but it is fun. Good job on presenting something that might be difficult to do otherwise. I do have five horses so I am going around and measuring them, just for fun.

    thank for the chance to view your app.

    #346669 Reply

    thank you paulID 🙂

    #346670 Reply

    thank you, daveclark for taking it for a test run, and for your feedback.
    unfortunately, i can’t create a zoom pinch attribute to the images, so have resorted at this stage to have the full common points of the horse rotated 90 degrees, and am not allowing the app to auto rotate.
    I haven’t had time to make any further changes on the iPhone version, as i have been tidying up the android one before the winners are announced Feb 24, but will get back to it after that.
    am also trying to work out codes to allow users to save their own data into the app to recall at a later stage.
    again, thank you so much 🙂

    #346690 Reply



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