
my Plugin is not woring in MyEclipse7.0

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  • #295800 Reply


    i have installed my plugin and now how can i know this plugin is active or resolved.
    because in my plugin code there is a check in is happening besed on this (active or resolved). this same code snippet is working in myeclipse5.0

    Bundle contentBundle = Platform.getBundle(bundleID);

    if(contentBundle.getState() != Bundle.RESOLVED && contentBundle.getState() != Bundle.ACTIVE)
    //add librareis…..
    appriciate the quick response

    #295818 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Could you please rephrase the question that you posted earlier? I haven’t understood what you are trying to achieve.

    #295862 Reply


    What version of Eclipse did me5 run in?

    #295865 Reply

    My question here is how do i know my plug-in state after installing it. like whether it is active or not?
    because my code above is checking for the plug-in state and if it is active or resolved then it is adding some library files to the project.

    the same above code is working fine in MyEclipse5.0, means, in MyEclipse5.0 if i install my plug-in its is either Active or RESOLVED state hence it is successfully adding my libraries to the project, but it is failing in MyEclipse7.0

    #295867 Reply

    Ton Huisman

    Have a firm look at the differences between the 2 versions of the equinox framework, Eclipse (and ME on top of that) is running on. ME 5.0 ran on Eclipse 3.2.x, and ME 7.0/7.1 runs on Eclipse 3.4.x This last version of Eclipse has a lot of improvements over the older versions, and there are possibly some (minor) incompatibilities. They can only be resolved after researching the documentation of the Eclipse API/Framwork.


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