
myeclipse 2.6.0 + orion 2.0.2 problem deploying

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  • #198177 Reply


    I’ve got a super simple HelloWorld.jsp and nothing happens when I deploy it for orion 2. When I deploy for jboss 3 everything works just fine. I did set the orion config password and host:port correctly, that I am sure of. Any ideas?

    #198181 Reply


    After checking some orion docs it seems orion is not configured for auto deployment as default; one has to add application-auto-deploy-directory=”../application-autodeploy” to the application-server tag in server.xml to turn it on. And then only .ear files are accepted. Anyone know if MyEclipse can generate .ear files instead of .war?

    #198193 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    You’re correct: Orion only recognizes EAR files for autodeployment and will not recognize a WAR or any exploded archives, unfortunately.

    Anyone know if MyEclipse can generate .ear files instead of .war?

    Yes, it does. To deploy your web project as an EAR you need to create an EAR project and then associate your existing web project with it. Then, deploy your EAR project using our deployer and be sure to specify ‘packaged deployment’, rather than exploded.

    When you use the project wizard to create the EAR project, be sure to ‘uncheck’ the option that asks if you want to also create a web and ejb project. Since you already have one, there will be a spot to pick it on one of the wizard pages.

    MyEclipse Support

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