
MyEclipse 2013 migration issue – facet constraints error

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  • #342109 Reply


    Trying to migrate a database EJB project I’m getting the following error:

    Facet constraints error: Hibernate 4.1 and JPA 2.0 cannot both be selected. The migration process cannot be completed; please refer to the Migration FAQ for details.

    Strange, because only the JPA 2.0 facet is selected (the hibernate facet is available but not selected)
    I’ve also checked the .settings folder – I see no references to hibernate what so ever.

    Any suggestions on how to fix?

    FYI: I installed ME 2013 using the ‘3.8 classic’ approach…


    #342123 Reply



    Sorry that you are seeing this issue.

    Is the project a JPA project or Hibernate project ?

    There is also a Hibernate provider for JPA. Basing on the kind of provider you are using, you can remove the Hibernate nature or JPA facet from the .project file which is in the <workspace dir>

    Let us know how it works for you.

    #342174 Reply


    Thanks, Swapna.

    The project is using JPA, though I’m not entirely sure whether it uses just JPA or hibernate-jpa (it’s not my baby).

    As the project only has the JPA facet selected, I tried to uncheck that and do the migration. That went smooth, and now the project references hibernate (not hibernate-jpa). Only the project does not deploy proberly.

    I guess we have made some errors along the coding path and made a mess with mixing technologies (we have been through some trial’n error with this project).

    For now we’ve decided to stick with me10.7 and create a new project with me2013 when we get the time or need.

    #342276 Reply



    Apologies for the delayed response.

    Can you you attach a zip file of the project, if possible? You can exclude the source folder contents, if you wish. This may help us replicate the problem and examine all the settings files.

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