
MyEclipse 2015 – Websphere 8.5.5 status issue

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  • #396325 Reply



    After upgrading to MyEclipse 2015 Stable 2.0 I’m having an issue starting WAS 8.5.5 from within MyEclipse. WAS is setup to start as Windows Service, there’s no security on server profile. Once I start application server from MyEclipse it starts Windows Service that starts WAS. I see “Server server1 open for e-business” inside the MyEclipse console, but right after it I get an error saying “Server WebSphere Application Server 8.5 at localhost failed to start.” – no further details available. At the same time, I see that WAS started just fine and I’m able to access it’s admin console. There’s no application deployed to the server.

    I tried to change protocol used for connecting to WAS from IPC to SOAP, but it made no difference. I also added ” -Dcom.ibm.jsse2.disableSSLv3=false” to WAS JVM parameters.

    Please help.


    #396342 Reply



    I’m sorry you’re seeing this issue. I’m not able to replicate it here, with WAS 8.5.5 under Windows 7, with MyEclipse 2015 Stable 2.0. Some things to check or try:

    • Please check that the console shows the IPC and SOAP ports to be open. Just search (Ctrl-F) for the port numbers in the console.
    • Double click on the server in the Servers view, to bring up the server configuration editor. In the Timeouts section, increase the Start timeout (double it, for simplicity), save the configuration (Ctrl-S) and start the server again.
    • Disable the system service for the profile and then try to start the server in MyEclipse
    • Start the server outside of MyEclipse – the started server should be detected by MyEclipse; check in the Servers view, once the server is started.
    • Try defining the server again, in a new workspace and check if it starts OK and is detected as starting.

    If none of the above yields results, please let us know the version of Windows and attach the output from MyEclipse->Installation Summary->Installation Details (not the installation details from the Help menu) to help us investigate further.

    MyEclipse Support

    #396350 Reply


    Hi Tony,

    Unfortunately this didn’t work. The server starts up pretty fast (around 15 seconds), but once started and “is open for e-business”, I get an error in MyEclipse. This worked well in previous version.

    I also noticed the following error in WAS startServer.log:

    [7/28/15 18:44:10:959 EDT] 00000001 ManagerAdmin  I   TRAS0017I: The startup trace state is *=info:com.ibm.*=all.
    [7/28/15 18:44:10:959 EDT] 00000001 WsServerContr 1   Executing executeUtilityOnWindows with args: C:\IBM\WebSphere8.5.5_64bit\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv04\config TOR1WS03252Node04Cell TOR1WS03252Node04 server1 -fromWinService \\.\pipe\w6SvcPipe_25998_13A5C 
    [7/28/15 18:44:10:959 EDT] 00000001 WsServerContr 1   invokedByWindowsService has been set to true earlier
    [7/28/15 18:44:10:959 EDT] 00000001 ManagerAdmin  I   TRAS0018I: The trace state has changed. The new trace state is *=info.
    [7/28/15 18:44:11:053 EDT] 00000001 AdminTool     A   ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the AppSrv04 profile
    [7/28/15 18:44:11:053 EDT] 00000001 AdminTool     A   ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: server1
    [7/28/15 18:44:11:069 EDT] 00000001 ImplFactory   W   WSVR0072W: Ignoring undeclared override of interface, com.ibm.websphere.cluster.topography.DescriptionManager, with implementation, com.ibm.ws.cluster.propagation.bulletinboard.BBDescriptionManager
    [7/28/15 18:44:11:243 EDT] 00000001 ModelMgr      I   WSVR0801I: Initializing all server configuration models
    [7/28/15 18:44:13:722 EDT] 00000001 WorkSpaceMana A   WKSP0500I: Workspace configuration consistency check is disabled.
    [7/28/15 18:44:17:024 EDT] 00000001 AdminTool     A   ADMU3200I: Server launched. Waiting for initialization status.
    [7/28/15 18:44:24:499 EDT] 00000001 AdminTool     A   ADMU3000I: Server server1 open for e-business; process id is 9120
    [7/28/15 18:44:24:561 EDT] 00000016 WindowsServic 3   inputRec == Starting Service: TOR1WS03252Node04
    [7/28/15 18:44:24:561 EDT] 00000016 WindowsServic 3   inputRec == 
    [7/28/15 18:44:24:561 EDT] 00000016 WindowsServic 3   inputRec == Successfully started service.
    [7/28/15 18:44:24:562 EDT] 00000001 WindowsServic 1   retCode from childProcess.waitFor() is 0
    [7/28/15 18:44:24:562 EDT] 00000001 WindowsServic I   ADMU7714I: WASService command for server server1 completed successfully.
    [7/28/15 18:44:24:562 EDT] 00000001 WindowsServic 3   -- interrupt the thread that is collecting stdout
    [7/28/15 18:44:25:579 EDT] 00000018 WindowsServic 3   readAndDisplayServiceLogFile(), caught InterruptedException
    [7/28/15 18:44:25:579 EDT] 00000001 WindowsServic 3   exitCode = 0
    [7/28/15 18:44:25:579 EDT] 00000001 WindowsServic <  doWASServiceAction Exit

    Below are MyEclipse Installation details:

    *** Date: 
    Tuesday, July 28, 2015 6:48:34 PM EDT
    *** System properties:
    OS version=6.1.0
    OS arch=amd64
    Profile arch=x86_64
    Window system=win32
    Java version=1.7.0_45
    VM Args=-Xmx768m
    *** Subscription information
    Product Id: E3SB (Secure MyEclipse Blue Subscription)
    License version: 3.0
    Full Maintenance Included
    Subscription expiration date (YYYYMMDD): 20160228
    Number of users: 60
    *** Eclipse details:
    MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench
    Version: 2015 Stable 2.0
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    Eclipse startup command=-data
    C:\IBM\MyEclipse Blue 2015 with SVN\myeclipse.exe
    C:\IBM\MyEclipse Blue 2015 with SVN\plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.i18n.win32.win32.x86_64_3.2.0.v201103301700\eclipse_3215.dll
    C:\IBM\MyEclipse Blue 2015 with SVN\plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.3.0.v20140415-2008.jar
    C:\IBM\MyEclipse Blue 2015 with SVN
    C:\IBM\MyEclipse Blue 2015 with SVN\binary/com.sun.java.jdk7.win32.x86_64_1.7.0.u45/bin/javaw.exe
    #396351 Reply


    I’ve just tried with the old version of Eclipse (Version: 2014 Blue Build id: 12.0.0-Blue-20131202) and it works just fine there. I got the same output on startServer.log (with InterruptedException), but server status in MyEclipse 2014 got updated to “Started” and I haven’t gotten an error.

    In both cases I created a brand new workspace and didn’t add any project to WAS.

    #396365 Reply



    Thank you for the details. MyEclipse 2015 needs to connect to WAS through Admin Protocol and if there is something wrong with WAS startup, it may fail to do so.

    Can you please give us some more details ?

    1. Can you please clarify if you have tried every one of the suggestions by Tony ? Did you see the IPC/SOAP ports being made available in the console ?

    2. Can you please try starting Websphere outside of MyEclipse by running the was-install-dir/bin/startServer.bat from the command line and check if the startServer.log has the same errors (Interrupted exeptions) as when you start the server from inside the MyEclipse 2015 ?

    3. Please check if there are any errors of interest logged in the .log file located at workspace dir/.metadata/.log. If yes, then please send us the .log file for further investigation. Also please send us the Websphere server.log.

    MyEclipse Support

    #396505 Reply


    Please check that the console shows the IPC and SOAP ports to be open. Just search (Ctrl-F) for the port numbers in the console.

    Found the port inside the console output. The port appears to be open (tried with telnet). Telnet only works once I start WAS (for both SOAP and IPC).

    Double click on the server in the Servers view, to bring up the server configuration editor. In the Timeouts section, increase the Start timeout (double it, for simplicity), save the configuration (Ctrl-S) and start the server again.

    Done that, got the same issue. The server starts pretty quickly, doesn’t seem to be related to the timeout setting.

    Disable the system service for the profile and then try to start the server in MyEclipse
    Start the server outside of MyEclipse – the started server should be detected by MyEclipse; check in the Servers view, once the server is started.
    Try defining the server again, in a new workspace and check if it starts OK and is detected as starting./blockquote>
    I can start WAS outside of MyEclipse, but server status doesn’t get updated within the Servers view. It remains Stopped. I don’t see interrupted exception when the server is started directly (not from within MyEclipse).

    I also created a new profile that starts without Windows Service. The behaviour is a little bit different. I don’t see the error message anymore in MyEclipse whenever I start the server from there, but the State of the server never gets updated and remains in ‘Starting’. The server starts in about 15 seconds. After about 3 minutes I receive the following error:

    !ENTRY org.eclipse.wst.server.core 4 0 2015-07-29 17:03:49.435
    !MESSAGE Server WebSphere Application Server 8.5 at localhost was unable to start within 240 seconds. If the server requires more time, try increasing the timeout in the server editor.

    I also checked workspace dir/.metadata/.log and I noticed a particular error occurring each time I add a new
    WAS 8.5.5 runtime environment (when defining a new server):

    !ENTRY com.genuitec.eclipse.blue.websphere.core 4 0 2015-07-29 16:53:17.917
    !MESSAGE Cannot create websphere admin object
    !STACK 1
    com.genuitec.eclipse.core.GenuitecCoreException: Cannot create websphere admin object
    	at com.genuitec.eclipse.blue.websphere.admin.WebsphereAdminFactory.createWebSphereAdminClientProxy(WebsphereAdminFactory.java:101)
    	at com.genuitec.eclipse.blue.websphere.admin.WebsphereAdminFactory.access$0(WebsphereAdminFactory.java:77)
    	at com.genuitec.eclipse.blue.websphere.admin.WebsphereAdminFactory$1.run(WebsphereAdminFactory.java:40)
    	at com.genuitec.eclipse.blue.websphere.admin.internal.WebSphereAdminThread.run(WebSphereAdminThread.java:55)
    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ibm/websphere/management/exception/ConnectorException
    	at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method)
    	at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredConstructors(Class.java:2493)
    	at java.lang.Class.getConstructors(Class.java:1517)
    	at com.genuitec.eclipse.blue.websphere.admin.WebsphereAdminFactory.createWebSphereAdminClientProxy(WebsphereAdminFactory.java:89)
    	... 3 more
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.ibm.websphere.management.exception.ConnectorException
    	at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:366)
    	at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:355)
    	at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    	at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:354)
    	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:425)
    	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:358)
    	... 7 more
    Contains: com/ibm/websphere/management/exception/ConnectorException
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ibm/websphere/management/exception/ConnectorException
    	at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native Method)
    	at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredConstructors(Class.java:2493)
    	at java.lang.Class.getConstructors(Class.java:1517)
    	at com.genuitec.eclipse.blue.websphere.admin.WebsphereAdminFactory.createWebSphereAdminClientProxy(WebsphereAdminFactory.java:89)
    	at com.genuitec.eclipse.blue.websphere.admin.WebsphereAdminFactory.access$0(WebsphereAdminFactory.java:77)
    	at com.genuitec.eclipse.blue.websphere.admin.WebsphereAdminFactory$1.run(WebsphereAdminFactory.java:40)
    	at com.genuitec.eclipse.blue.websphere.admin.internal.WebSphereAdminThread.run(WebSphereAdminThread.java:55)
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.ibm.websphere.management.exception.ConnectorException
    	at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:366)
    	at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:355)
    	at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    	at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:354)
    	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:425)
    	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:358)
    	... 7 more

    Same message repeats multiple times. This happens at the time when I define a server, not when I try to start it.

    #396508 Reply


    To elaborate, the ports that I see within the Console are:

    [7/29/15 18:01:54:552 EDT] 00000001 JMXSoapAdapte A   ADMC0013I: The SOAP connector is available at port 8884
    [7/29/15 18:01:54:583 EDT] 00000001 TCPChannel    I   TCPC0001I: TCP Channel TCPInboundChannel_ipcc.Default_IPC_Connector_Name is listening on host  (IPv4: port 9637.

    I see the same port numbers within Ports section of WAS server config in MyEclipse.

    #396585 Reply



    Thank you for your log files. It looks like your WebSphere installation is missing “Thin Client Jar” component. Please add it to your WAS installation using IBM Installation Manager.

    MyEclipse 2015 is using the same technique of deployment as RAD and it requires an active connection to WebSphere server. This allows us to perform fast deployments, track status of particular applications or restart them and many more. However, we are unable to ship IBM jars with our product, so we have to take them from WAS installation. We are working on improving the information about missing jars.

    Best regards,
    Piotr Tomiak

    #396613 Reply


    Thanks Piotr. Would you mind pointing me to WAS part number that has this component? Here’s a link for all part numbers for WAS 8.5.5: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038761#windows. There’s no component specifically called “Thin Client Jar” there..

    #396632 Reply



    The thin clients should be in the repository you used to install WebSphere. Run the IBM Installation Manger, click on Modify then select the package group used to install your WebSphere application server (it may be the only one). Click Next, then Next, again. You should now be at a screen (see attached image) which allows you to select/deselect components. Select the “Stand-alone thin clients and resource adapters” feature. Click Next and then click the Modify button to complete the modification.

    Please let us know how it goes.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    #397824 Reply


    The issue affects WAS 8.5.5 “Base” installations. We switched to “Developers” edition and it’s not occurring anymore. Previous version of MyEclipse worked well with “Base” as well.

    #397870 Reply



    I’m glad it’s now working for you. I’m not sure what the difference is between the “base” and “developer” editions. As I understand it, the developers edition provides the same functionality but for development use. Maybe the thin client jars are installed as default in the developer edition but not in the base edition. Did you check that the thin client component was installed?

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Reply To: MyEclipse 2015 – Websphere 8.5.5 status issue

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