
MyEclipse 3.8.2 – Weblogic 8 classpath config [Closed]

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  • #227050 Reply



    I am extremely frustrated 😡 with the amount of effort required to setup the Weblogic 8 jar files classpaths. You have to comb thru all the directories and painfully add each jar file. Isn’t there an easier way to do this? There’s like a hundred jar files or something.

    Could you please tell me an easier way to do this?

    Painfully yours,

    #227056 Reply


    What I found to do is to copy the workspace\.metadata\.plugins folder from a working workspace over to a new workspace\.metadata\.plugins and everything seems to work fine. Still the initial setting of the Weblogic classpaths is absolutely brutal. I wish you guys could make the MyEclipse interrogate the weblogic itself and set its own classpaths that are needed.

    #227070 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    I’ve got a Weblogic 8 instance that spins up just fine without adding anything manually to the classpath. The connector adds the required jar files automatically. You can see what these are by looking at the classpath setting in the startWLS.cmd file in the server/bin directory of your WebLogic installation. There are only a couple.

    The extension mechanism is only needed if you have additional specific requirements like driver jars or you’re running WebLogic portal or something. Did you try not adding anything and starting weblogic as shown in the FAQ here:
    http://www.myeclipseide.com/FAQ+index-myfaq-yes-id_cat-18.html. What problem did you experience before adding jars to the classpath?

    #227074 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Could you please tell me an easier way to do this?

    Just to followup to Scott’s post, the answer is “you don’t need to do this UNLESS you are adding custom JARs/DLLs to the paths… the connector will handle all this for you magically”.

    So basically setup the home dir, setup the JDK, hit OK and run WebLogic.

    #227132 Reply


    OK, so it’s working with not setting any classpaths. THANK YOU! My problem was in setting the Weblogic installation directory: C:\bea\weblogic81 instead of just C:\bea. But I still saw a warning when starting up saying that the server could not find the default javac compiler. So I added the WLS jdk lib jar files. This is a problem when you actually deploy your EAR. Adding the jdk jars fixed that problem.

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