I am using MyEclipse 5.0, Eclipse 3.2 and added MyFaces 1.1.1 Capabilities to MyProject. Not sure how to add Tomahawk capabilities to the Project. Does MyEclipse 5.0 provide this facility Out-Of-The-Box if not how do i add these?
Continuing i have following code
<%@ taglib uri=”http://myfaces.apache.org/extensions” prefix=”t” %>
<%@ taglib uri=”http://myfaces.apache.org/sandbox” prefix=”s” %>
I just addded this few lines for my exsisting code
<t:div style=”width:70%”>
<s:fieldset legend=”Greeting Information” >
I get the following error
OracleJSP: oracle.jsp.parse.JspParseException: /greetingList.jsp: Line # 7, <%@ taglib uri=”http://myfaces.apache.org/sandbox” prefix=”s” %>
Error: “http://myfaces.apache.org/sandbox” is not a registered TLD namespace.
I guess the error is due to non availability of jar file related to Tomahawk. So how do i add Tomahawk jar file out-of-the-box as similar to myfaces to my project capabilities in MyEclipse 5.0.
Also does MyEclipse5.0 supports MyFaces 1.1.3?