- This topic has 9 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 18 years, 10 months ago by
Scott Anderson.
wdemossMemberThis forum said it included “rants” so here goes:
It really bothers me that it appears that MyEclipse has decided to focus on matisse integration intead of getting uptodate with the latest line of eclipse plugins including eclipse 3.2 and wtp 1.5.
I realize that these are milestone releases, but I have the vague uneasiness from MyEclipse’s repeated milestone slip dates that I will be stuck on an eclipse 3.1 based platform for some time if I wish to continue to use myeclipse.
Hope that this post is unwarrented and you have a close to milestone release hidden in the shadows.
Riyad KallaMemberWilliam,
This forum said it included “rants” so here goes:
Definately, have at it. (as long as it’s clean)
It really bothers me that it appears that MyEclipse has decided to focus on matisse integration intead of getting uptodate with the latest line of eclipse plugins including eclipse 3.2 and wtp 1.5.
This is almost the entire purpose of MyEclipse 5.0. With previous releases of MyEclipse we would take our heavily modified version of WTP and move it between Eclipse releases (3.0, 3.1, etc.). Now with MyEclipse 5.0, WTP has gotten to the point where we want to refresh all our tools ontop of that and come inline with the industry support of the tools and especially the project layout.
To give you an idea of the breadth of that work, we are porting, enhancing, integrating and testing over 180 plugins not only from the Eclipse 3.1 APIs to the Eclipse 3.2 APIs but also from our older WTP API to the WTP 1.5 API. This work started *months* ago, this isn’t the sort of thing you load up in Eclipe and refactor a few items and you are done. I would also point out that the team working on this is not the same team that did the Matisse work, so there wasn’t a loss of resources there.
I realize that these are milestone releases, but I have the vague uneasiness from MyEclipse’s repeated milestone slip dates that I will be stuck on an eclipse 3.1 based platform for some time if I wish to continue to use myeclipse.
We will aline MyEclipse 5.0 with the Eclipse 3.2 final release. It may be a few weeks after, but months/years/decades? No way. We are going to get 5.0 M1 out the door here in a few weeks, then you can start using it on Eclipse 3.2 and reporting bugs to us that we can get fixed. M2 will come out shortly there after with bug fixes and more features, then we will creep towards the final GA release and patch and fix from there for 5.0.1 and so on.
If you are a bleeding edge kinda guy, I can understand your perspective and concern, maybe something like “All my favorite plugins like Subversion now have 3.2 versions available, why is MyEclipse lagging?”… now consider how much work it took the Subversion team to go from 3.1 to 3.2, multiple it by 180 and you can understand why our 3.2 release might be a bit longer off. That being said, *please* do not doubt our dedication to the newest and greatest. We always look forward to these new big Eclipse paltform releases because they bring a lot of slick new things with them that we can leverage in our product and make everything mesh together more smoothly. It just takes time, that’s all.
Anyway, hang in there and we’ll have something for you around May 15th to start beating on and keep us honest 😉
Let’s get the information out in the open on what is in and what is out for Milestone Release 1. You may not know what is in for sure, but I bet you definately know what is out! 😉
I really need Web Services as soon as possible. This is our primary tool for many reasons, but one of the drawbacks that keeps us from fully adopting the tool in all areas is the lack of web services capability.
I still think it’s a GREAT product, but we need a little more critical functionality to make it SUPER GREAT! 🙂
Riyad KallaMemberRuss,
I *know* the flexiproject and WTP connectors won’t be in M1… I *think* webservices will be in M1, I’ll double check for you.
Scott AndersonParticipantRuss,
The goal of M1 is to start our Eclipse 3.2 milestone support by delivering all the functionality from MyEclipse 4.1.1, plus some enhancements and fixes we’ve been doing for awhile, onto an Eclipse 3.2Mx / WTP 1.5Mx codebase. That in itself is a lot of work since it necessitates replacement of quite a bit of our low-level infrastructure along with porting the product in response to all the Eclipse 3.2 API changes that affect us (hundreds). So, integrating web services support is not on our delivery list for M1 since it was outside the scope of ME 4.1.1. Going forward we’ll be integrating and enhancing some of the other capabilities that we pick up from WTP 1.5, such as new project types, webservice support, etc.
That said, however, there will be a way to turn on the “raw” (unintegrated / unenhanced) web services support from WTP 1.5 if you’d like to begin experimenting with it even in milestone 1. We don’t highly encourage that because we’re not sure what the full integration will entail and require us to change, but you’ll be able to do it if your timelines depend on it. Hope that helps you understand both where we are and where we’re going.
John O’GradyMemberSo I ran the “search new features to install” function this morning on my copy of Eclipse 3.2M3 – M3 because anything after gets destroyed by MyEclipse, which I have at version 4.1.1. Anyway, as I was saying, I ran the update this morning and noticed that the Spring plugin is now at version 1.3, and so, being the bleeding edge type, I first checked to see if they had an alpha of 1.5, then clicked on the little checky box to download the 1.3 “stable” version being forced upon me.
What came next made me very sad. The checky box gave me the red-cross-rasberries and informed that it required me to install “org.eclipse.wst(1.0.0), or later version” if I wanted to continue my stint as the geek with the latest and greatest here at the Comcast IMG.
Why this makes me sad is that the last time I tried to install the web tools project plugin along with MyEclipse, I was treated to a host of problems that had me finally rebuilding my beautiful modularised Eclipse dev environment which I run from a USB hard drive… from the ground up over a couple of hours.
If you’re reading this waiting for a question, then congratulations, you’ve finally found one. Is there going to be a time when you can run the WTP harmoniously with MyEclipse in the same Eclipse instance without hellfire and exceptions raining from the heavens, or will my dev environment forever be chained to the @*!&@#! “modified” WTP library MyEclipse is supporting in any given version? I ask this because several free and commercial plugins are beginning to rely heavily on the WTP, and they seem to be able to run with whatever version is available from the WTP team (I mention again that the spring plugin required version 1.0.0 or later version)… So what are we, the MyEclipse faithful, supposed to do? 😥
Scott AndersonParticipantastrien,
Is there going to be a time when you can run the WTP harmoniously with MyEclipse in the same Eclipse
Yes, absolutely. If you read my prior post in this thread, you’ll see that I reference that MyEclipse 5.0 will use Eclipse 3.2.x / WTP 1.5.x as its base. We plan on shipping milestone 1 of this build later this month and will continue working on it through the 3.2GA / WTP 1.5 ship date at the end of June.
MyEclipse 4.1.1 cannot run reliably on the Eclipse 3.2 milestone builds because API changes in the platform caused literally hundreds of errors in our codebase that we had to fix and retest. MyEclipse 5.0 will correct all those issues, add many enhancements, and be built on a WTP 1.5 base for compatibility and easy integration with other tools.
So, as a faithful MyEclipse user, the day where you can run MyEclipse and mix in other tools as you like with many fewer issues is coming soon. Around mid-May-ish for the first milestone. We appreciate your support and patience as we work to make sure that we continue to deliver the level of integration and quality that you’ve come to expect from us.
DavidMemberThat said, however, there will be a way to turn on the “raw” (unintegrated / unenhanced) web services support from WTP 1.5 if you’d like to begin experimenting with it even in milestone 1. We don’t highly encourage that because we’re not sure what the full integration will entail and require us to change, but you’ll be able to do it if your timelines depend on it. Hope that helps you understand both where we are and where we’re going.
😯 Uh, that doesn’t sound good to me (the part in bold). You’re supposedly six weeks away from the final release and you’re not sure what your web service support is going to entail? Sounds to me like after 3 tears at the top of the feautre request list, web service integration/SOA is going to be pushed out to 5.x.
Hope I’m wrong.
DavidMemberFreudian slip, “3 tears” should be “3 years”. Incidentally, it’s May 15 and still no whisper about M1 (http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-12455.html)
Scott AndersonParticipantDave,
We’re still doing final QA builds (which are looking pretty good) so we’ll release in the next few days, but not today (15th).