- This topic has 20 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 8 months ago by
mcs13099MemberI am attempting to install MyEclipse 7.0 M2 on Win XP SP2 and keep getting nothing but failures in about the first 10 seconds of the installation. The error dialog box is titled “Feature Transfer Error”…it contains the text: Error: Catastrophic failure. I have downloaded it twice and get the same error. I attempted to install it on Vista SP1 and surprisingly, no error. Wix XP, continues to fail every time. Any ideas. I even made sure I had any Eclipse processes were stopped (I had been running Ganymede standalone earlier).
Loyal WaterMembermcs13099,
I would suggest you try using the All in One installer to setup MyEclipse. I guess your working with the archive installer at the moment.
mcs13099MemberI did use the All in One Installer and not the Archive. Why would it be assumed otherwise?
Loyal WaterMembermcs13099,
You said you were working with Ganymede standalone so I thought you must be using the Archive installer. Anyway, since the installer works on vista and fails on xp, I don’t think this is an issue related to the installer.The workaround for you on XP would be to switch to pulse. You can go to http://www.poweredbypulse.com and grab the pulse launcher. After launching the pulse explorer, add the MyEclipse profile to it. That should get things running.
mcs13099MemberI tried Pulse, but the only ME choice offered is 6.5, not 7.0 M2? What am I missing?
(my use of Ganymede was mentioned because it was running separately while I was installing originally and then I shut it down and retried – same failure)
Loyal WaterMemberYou will have to switch Eclipse profile to Ganymede and 7.0 will show up as an option.
mcs13099MemberI went back to poweredbypulse…switched the profile to Ganymede, located the ME 7.0 product in the list, processing started, watched it churn for 25 minutes only to get this Error dialog box with this displayed in the Details
An error occurred while collecting items to be installed
Error closing the output stream for com.sun.java.jre.win32.x86/binary/ on repository file:/D:/Pulse/Common/.
Error unzipping D:\temp\com.sun.java.jre.win32.x86_1.5.0.01165241.jar: Invalid zip file formatI am not sure that “Disappointing” conveys my sentiment completely at the moment…
Riyad KallaMembermcs,
Something fishy is going on here, going *all* the way back to your original post with the “Feature Transfer Error” dialog, do you still have that log file handy in the workspace to dig up exactly what the exception was that got written out when that happened? That would be handy to know.
mcs13099MemberNo…it’s a disaster from the start. The installation gets to the point of creating the installation directory and under that folder it creates the /jre folder and aborts within about 10 seconds. How can there be a workspace?….it never gets that far. I attempted to install from the downloaded installer, it failed. Then as mentioned the poweredbyPulse install failed after 25 minutes. The only “clue” appears to be they both failed attempting to install something JRE-related…certainly one can have multiple JRE’s on their machines…we do it all the time.
lgauthierMemberI am getting the exact same behavior. Apparently, something is broken in the 7.0M2 install when running on XP.
mcs13099MemberYes, I am at the end my patience trying to get this to work. Try this, try this, look for this (does not exist), yet still product installation fails….THERE IS A BIG PROBLEM that seems to be going unacknowledged. I already spent money on a license last year (prev version)…this is not making me confident.
rmcvayMemberI did a 7.0 all in one install on XP/SP3 this weekend with no problem so this isn’t a 100% failure mode on XP. Could it be a virus scanner issue? I’m running AVG.
mcs13099MemberI am running XP/SP 2 (not 3)…the virus scanner is Mcafee (not my choice). I do run AVG on my other machines which run Vista SP1. On that machine, no problem. However, I have never had any issue like this until attempting to install 7.0 either the all-in-one or using the Pulse site to get the product…in both cases the failure appears to invlove something with the /jre component that it attempts to install. I am checking disk space, but I would think it would warn or indicate the problem during a pre-req check.
bwilliamsMemberI’m seeing this same behavior. Any updates?
Ramiro Gonzalez SanchezMemberSame error on my laptop with Windows XP SP3.
I check the md5 sum and is correct.
All-in-one version 7.0 m2
Sun JDK 6 update 10Any ideas?