I don’t know when exactly the double-click selection behavior changed in the JavaScript editor, as I recently updated from MyEclipse 7.5 to MyEclipse 8.6.1 (build 8.6.1-20101117).
I’ve noticed in MyEclipse 8.6.1’s JavaScript editor that when I double-click an identifier that contains delimiters such as periods, the text that is highlighted is the ENTIRE identifier — the delimiters have no bearing on the highlight. I expect only a portion of the identifier to be highlighted; that is, the segment that includes where the caret was positioned in the identifier expanded outward to but NOT including the code delimiters (such as period, comma, semicolon, colon, parenthesis, apostrophe, quote, etc.).
For example:
var form = new com.mycompany.components.forms.customer.RegistrationForm();
If I double-click anywhere on the word customer in the above object identifier name, I expect only the portion shown above in red to be highlighted as the selection…
NOT like what is shown below in blue:
var form = new com.mycompany.components.forms.customer.RegistrationForm();
The checkbox for the option “Smart caret positioning at line start and end” under “Preferences->General->Editors->Text Editors” is definitely checked.
If there is another way to influence the double-click highlight selection behavior in the MyEclipse JavaScript editor, please let me know. Otherwise, I suspect that the existing behavior that I’m seeing is a defect.