
MyEclipse 9.1 and JBoss 6 – No output shown in the console

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  • #320247 Reply



    Im trying to get MyEclipse 9.1 to work with JBoss 6, and everything seems to be set up correctly, except that when I start the server, nothing is show in the console. There’s just no output.

    Is this a bug?

    If so, would an older version of MyEclipse work with Jboss 6? How can I download an older version?


    #320288 Reply


    acol ,

    We have a bug raised for JBoss 6.1 version on MyEclipse 9.1. You will see the issue fixed in MyEclipse 10 release which is due in the second half of this month. The JBoss 6.0 version works with MyEclipse 9.1.

    Can you please clarify the version of JBoss you are working with ?

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