
MyEclipse 9.1 Birt Viewer Error

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  • #320753 Reply

    In V9.1, pagination in multi-page reports does not properly generate page numbers in the Birt viewer. When I upgraded from 8.6 to 9.1 and tested my app, the error presented itself. The report is being displayed in PDF format on a web page.

    When the report is exported to a PDF file, the page numbers are generated correctly. This error has forced me to revert to V8.6 of MyEclipse. Please fix as soon as possible.

    #320771 Reply


    rmaroney ,

    Sorry that you are seeing this issue with MyEclipse.

    Can you answer some more questions for us to understand the issue better ?

    1) How did you upgrade to MyEclipse 9.1 ? Also share your OS and version details.

    2) Can you switch to a new workspace in ME 9.1 , import the project and check if you still see the issue ? If yes then can you check the .log file which is located at <workspace dir>/.metadata/.log for any errors of interest and paste them here.

    3) Can you also attach a screenshot of the error for us to help get a visual ?

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