
MyEclipse adds Struts verison 1.1 !!

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  3. Java EE Development (EJB, JSP, Struts, XDoclet, etc.)
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  • #232149 Reply


    When I create a new Web Project and add Struts Capabilities to it.. I see that MyEclipse is adding struts.jar and struts-legacy.jar among other jars.

    When I look at the manifest file in struts.jar it shows version 1.1. This is strange because when I had created a similar project couple weeks back it had included struts.jar version 1.2.4. (and nothing like struts-legacy.jar). Please let me know whats going on.

    Also, how can I configure myEclipse for autoUpdate as I cannot see any option/tools to configure AutoUpdate for MyEclipse in Eclipse env.

    I have my set up in Eclipse 3.0 with myEclipse 3.8.4 (recently purchased) on Linux box


    #232151 Reply


    When you add the Struts capabilities, pay attention, you can chose between different versions of Struts

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