
MyEclipse and IBM RAD

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  • #244761 Reply

    Samer Kanjo

    I am a big MyEclipse fan and have been using it on my various java projects as a consultant. However, I recently decided to go full-time and my new employer is using IBM RAD. I was wondering if the two were compatible and if not what is the source of the incompatibility?

    I did find a post by another member who installed MyEclipse over RAD and had problems. A moderator posted indicating that two were not compatible but provided some erroneous reasons for the cause.

    I was wondering if it were possible to copy some of the plugins, like EASIE, from MyEclipse to RAD. I would like to at least use that plugin within RAD. I may give it a try later this week.

    Another idea is to install MyEclipse along side of RAD and use MyEclipse when developing and then use RAD when doing other things like linking to ClearCase but I don’t know if there are any project file incompatibilities between the two. I would assume an Eclipse project file remains the same but you know were assumptions can lead.

    I also noticed that RAD is based on Eclipse 3.0 rather than 3.1, which I was using. No Java 5 for me I guess. At least not until IBM gets with the times.

    #244782 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I am a big MyEclipse fan and have been using it on my various java projects as a consultant.

    Thank you, we appreciate the support!

    However, I recently decided to go full-time and my new employer is using IBM RAD. I was wondering if the two were compatible and if not what is the source of the incompatibility?

    It’s hard to say. We have never done any testing internally with RAD. So while the technically correct answer might be “it should be compatible” the real-world result might be that they are not compatible at all due to modifications in underlying Eclipse plugins that MyEclips relies heavily on.

    A moderator posted indicating that two were not compatible but provided some erroneous reasons for the cause.

    Why was it erroneous?

    I was wondering if it were possible to copy some of the plugins, like EASIE, from MyEclipse to RAD. I would like to at least use that plugin within RAD. I may give it a try later this week.

    We’ve never tried it. You are certainly welcome to but it’s an unsupported configuration.

    Another idea is to install MyEclipse along side of RAD and use MyEclipse when developing and then use RAD when doing other things like linking to ClearCase but I don’t know if there are any project file incompatibilities between the two. I would assume an Eclipse project file remains the same but you know were assumptions can lead.

    The .project file might be changed by the two development environments; adding their own natures and such.

    I also noticed that RAD is based on Eclipse 3.0 rather than 3.1, which I was using. No Java 5 for me I guess. At least not until IBM gets with the times.

    Keep in mind this also means MyEclipse 3.8.5, 4.0 is based on Eclipse 3.1.

    #245107 Reply

    Samer Kanjo

    I am not sure what you intended to say in your last statement. When you quoted me I was stating my disappointment in RAD’s lack of support for Java 5.

    Here is the thread I was referring to: http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-10688-highlight-ibm+rad.html

    Why was it erroneous? It seems that Scott thinks that Eclipse does not work with RAD because MyEclipse supports Eclipse 3.1 and not RAD. I assume Scott does not know RAD is based on Eclipse 3.0, which MyEclipse does support. I guess your downloads of MyEclipse for Eclipse 3.0 are no longer working.

    #245126 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The downloads for 3.0 work fine: Download > Agree > 3.0.x Downloads > 3.8.4 Installer

    #245420 Reply

    Samer Kanjo

    I was being sarcastic 🙂

    #245428 Reply

    Samer Kanjo

    I am giddy!!!

    I just found ClearCase SCM Plugin for Eclipse 3.1.1 at IBMs site. If this thing works with MyEclipse then I will be saying good-bye to RAD!

    #245435 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Let us know if it works.

    #252946 Reply

    Samer Kanjo

    Forgot to mention this. Yes the IBM ClearCase plugin does work in Eclipse 3.1 but does not work in Eclispe 3.2.

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