
MyEclipse and Spindle Deployment

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  • #225488 Reply


    I’m new to Eclipse and am trying out MyEclipse with Spindle.

    I’ve created my sample Tapestry app and then used MyEclipse to add the web module capabilities.

    When I deploy to either Tomcat 4.1 or 5.0 I find that the Tapestry .jar files are not being copied to the /lib directory of the project.

    I’m sure I’m missing something simple, but at a loss as to what that is. I’ve tried various combinations of deployment options, but not a single .jar file has been copied over.

    Any suggestions?


    #225500 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I’m guessing the Tapestry JARs are in your build path by way of a User Library or some external JAR linking? If so, please navigate to your project properties, MyEclipse-WEb > Deployment and setup the rules for how you want MyEclipse to handle external or User Library JAR files during deployment. (You can do this globally via Window > Prefs > MyEclipse > J2EE Project > WEb Projects > Deployment).

    #225517 Reply


    If I specify the Tapestry JARs as external, then everything is copied properly.

    Spindle creates a Tapestry Framework Library that contains these JARs as part of the Spindle plug-in. The author said the technical term for the construct he uses is “Classpath Container”.

    I’ve tried a number of options from the MyEclipse…Deployment tab and have made sure that the Framework was checked in the Java Build Path Order and Export tab.

    I wondered if anyone here has successfully deployed or created the WAR file using Spindle without having to specify the external JARs?


    #225527 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    You will need to make these libraries either externally linked JARs or a single User Library for MyEclipse to successfully deployment.

    #225528 Reply


    Will do. It just seemed unintuitive and wanted to make sure I had done nothing wrong.


    #225529 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Agreed, when we get some more bandwidth we will look into what the Spindle author is doing for classpath containers and see if we can support it relatively easily.

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