
MyEclipse Blue 2013 enable maven on report web project

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  3. Maven for MyEclipse (Maven4MyEclipse)
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  • #343214 Reply

    I have created a dynamic web project and insalled the MyEclipse report web runtime.
    Now I would like to enable maven on this project, but all I can find is the install maven support for java EE projects, which reports “Project facet Maven Support for Java EE Projects is not supported by target runtime MyEclipse Tomcat v6.0.”

    For now this project has to be on Tomcat 6.
    How can I bypass this issue?

    #343228 Reply



    Maven projects do not use runtimes. When creating the dynamic web project, you should select ‘None’ for runtime. You will be able to deploy and run the application on Tomcat.You should add all the dependencies provided by Tomcat runtime in the pom.xml using scope provided.

    Let us know if you see any issues.

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